Turbo fail...


Active Member
Jun 30, 2006
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this is a SB 350, apparently all show and no go...(gutless, which is about right turbos way too small for Big pistons)...

Some people do extreme modify their cars that is insane! :shock:
Too many cowboys out there think they know how to design a amazing engine setup because they read a magazine and spent most of their money on paint/wheels and nothing on headwork etc...
Bigger engines are supposed to be better? No?

like i said turbo too small for BIG pistons...

you see...turbo works by centrifugal force...and blades are means of compacting large volume of 'thin air' to make it 'boxed in' as in glups of BIG air...there is no way for small turbos to do the feeding of LARGE air for big pistons to achieve a performance boost...

turbos has to spin soo many times , so much faster than the next round of the pistons' 1 st cycle (intake which takes place 2 revolutions of the crank, or 4 strokes (or 1-direction of travel from one end of barrel to another) in the cylinders...this happens extremely fast whean engine is ticking away at 4000rpm...which is 66 times per second...now try visualise those tiny bulb which cages the turbos to spin harder to scoop fresh (loose) air pack them in hard dense of pressurised air <FAST enough to keep up with the 66 hungrey pistons' intake's values mouths openings!!!


now consider a turbo like a massive Greddy, or 80's KKK turbos which is like diameter of a 33 inch vinyl music record...yes it's clearer that a turbo that size would have easier time to SCOOP, on a given amount of available spins to grab airs and slam against the walls of the 'turbo-house'(whatever its real name is call i dunno im not a turbo-tech, or a boyracer who knows all the brands and crap whatnot) thing is there's enough time for a big turbo to shove loose airs to a dense packs of brick-dense of fresh air IN TIME for the next pistons's intake stroke (drawing down fresh air from turbo/manifold etc) with that 'just enough' or right amount of densified air for any power gains to happen

its like a throttle of accelerator of bike or car, when we wick throlle open or foot down in car, we' opening for more AIR (and compensate with more burnable fuel to ensure it fires in the engine) it is THAT same thing happens, the car accelerates...more air engine get 'excited' now with turbo or FORCE INDUCTION (of an EVEN GREATER AMOUNT OF AIR which engine are dumbly to LOVE) thats' the engine goes like manic to GO EAT AND SPEW AIR SO FAST they hurry, air is the engine's addiction, and fuel, gas is just making sure it BURNS the air so QUICK as it uses the explosive force that pushs down the pistons...

boring eh?

so small turbos JUST CAN'T feed the big piston, who ever did the 8 turbos is a dick, also think about it, its a nightmare to get to change the sparkplugs!! LMAO
small turbos just cant keep up with big pistons. and oh yea small engines are favours buy car makers because they KNOW its the BIG turbo that works, and the engine bay and car styling requires a car maker to think about smaller engines in big spaces to house the BIG turbos...

you do see quad or twin turbos in V8 or V6or V12sofc thats because designers knows it get be fitted or little or much trouble (depending on routing and what not) by placing it 1 on each side...
but 8 turbos in front there just NO space, he this guy pick such tiny turbos for looks and plaininly wasnt going to WORK AT ALL !!!
like i said turbo too small for BIG pistons...

you see...turbo works by centrifugal force...and blades are means of compacting large volume of 'thin air' to make it 'boxed in' as in glups of BIG air...there is no way for small turbos to do the feeding of LARGE air for big pistons to achieve a performance boost...

turbos has to spin soo many times , so much faster than the next round of the pistons' 1 st cycle (intake which takes place 2 revolutions of the crank, or 4 strokes (or 1-direction of travel from one end of barrel to another) in the cylinders...this happens extremely fast whean engine is ticking away at 4000rpm...which is 66 times per second...now try visualise those tiny bulb which cages the turbos to spin harder to scoop fresh (loose) air pack them in hard dense of pressurised air <FAST enough to keep up with the 66 hungrey pistons' intake's values mouths openings!!!


now consider a turbo like a massive Greddy, or 80's KKK turbos which is like diameter of a 33 inch vinyl music record...yes it's clearer that a turbo that size would have easier time to SCOOP, on a given amount of available spins to grab airs and slam against the walls of the 'turbo-house'(whatever its real name is call i dunno im not a turbo-tech, or a boyracer who knows all the brands and crap whatnot) thing is there's enough time for a big turbo to shove loose airs to a dense packs of brick-dense of fresh air IN TIME for the next pistons's intake stroke (drawing down fresh air from turbo/manifold etc) with that 'just enough' or right amount of densified air for any power gains to happen

its like a throttle of accelerator of bike or car, when we wick throlle open or foot down in car, we' opening for more AIR (and compensate with more burnable fuel to ensure it fires in the engine) it is THAT same thing happens, the car accelerates...more air engine get 'excited' now with turbo or FORCE INDUCTION (of an EVEN GREATER AMOUNT OF AIR which engine are dumbly to LOVE) thats' the engine goes like manic to GO EAT AND SPEW AIR SO FAST they hurry, air is the engine's addiction, and fuel, gas is just making sure it BURNS the air so QUICK as it uses the explosive force that pushs down the pistons...

boring eh?

so small turbos JUST CAN'T feed the big piston, who ever did the 8 turbos is a dick, also think about it, its a nightmare to get to change the sparkplugs!! LMAO

One thing to add Turbo Lag.

If driver let go gas pedal, it will keep going until it finally slow down. I would wonder that if driver drive in city and can't stop in time and car would rear ended other car and push it across busy intersection Huh Too many Turbos.. 1 or 2 Turbo would be more than enough.
