trust your interpreter girlfriend/boyfriend?

Why would your girlfriend be hanging out with your single friends? Does she not have female friends of her own? As a couple, you should be hanging around with other couples.
I have been in business and yes they do serve drink on company time but it is rare. The intention behind like this is to see if they can sell "business" to each other.

I wouldn't assume that buying drink is just personal.

I would be mad if my interpreter girlfriend helped a guy order a drink in a bar. This is personal, not business!! If my interpreter girlfriend over step business boundaries to interpret in situations like that, then I would leave her.

Right now, I don't have a girlfriend. I am just giving my perspective.
I have been in business and yes they do serve drink on company time but it is rare. The intention behind like this is to see if they can sell "business" to each other.

I wouldn't assume that buying drink is just personal.

Yes, I get your point. I understand where you're coming from.

Let's say I was looking for someone to interpret a 2 hour lecture for me. I'm not going to think " Wow, this pretty woman ordered a drink for me!! Hey, can she interpret a 2 hour lecture for me?".

If I wanted to know if an interpreter can do a 2 hour lecture, I won't hire her just because she ordered a drink for me. I would want to know about her credits and experience.