Hillary is worse than Obama I'm gonna tell you that right now. Remember her Husband is the reason why North Korea has the bomb. And IRAN will get the bomb when Hillary is elected.
And trump if elected wont do damn thing regarding it. Nor can he. The yanks made a deal with iran. Iran willget nukes...
Trump or no trump
Yeah he can authorize war when Iran successfully tested a nuke. Its called the war powers act
Hillary is worse than Obama I'm gonna tell you that right now. Remember her Husband is the reason why North Korea has the bomb. And IRAN will get the bomb when Hillary is elected.
Yeah he can authorize war when Iran successfully tested a nuke. Its called the war powers act
Now.back to the real world.
When was the last time america has declared war and went to war with a nation who has succesfully detonated a nuclear weapon?
You don't understand. America is in a dire situtation. Our debt is 3 times as higher during Obama admin. The Urban community is out of control the economy is sinking unemployment is higher during Obama admin. The right guy didn't win it was stolen from Mitt because of Lois Learner who silenced the Tea Party folks. We cant afford anymore political games we need action and action now or this will happen sooner than we think
<removed video>
Now that 2014 has gone on the books as the best year for employment growth in 15 years, the official figures show that the U.S. had 6,371,000 more people employed in December than it did when Obama took office in 2009. So during Obama’s first six years in office, the U.S. has added nearly five times more jobs than it did during the entire eight years under President George W. Bush. (Bush’s total was just under 1.3 million.)
Bush’s record suffered from a loss of nearly 4.4 million jobs in the last 12 months of his presidency, and we can’t say what the last two years of Obama’s tenure will bring.
The official unemployment rate has now dipped to 5.6 percent, which is 2.2 percentage points below where it was when Obama first took office. It is not only the lowest jobless rate in six years — it is slightly better than the historical average. Since 1948, the monthly jobless rate has averaged 5.8 percent.
Some scars from the Great Recession of 2007-2009 still linger. There are nearly 2.8 million people suffering from long-term unemployment — being out of work for 27 weeks or longer. That is 86,000 higher than it was when Obama entered office.
And the average number of weeks that the unemployed have been without work was 32.8 weeks — which is 13 weeks longer than the average duration of joblessness for the month Obama entered the White House.
You don't understand. America is in a dire situtation. Our debt is 3 times as higher during Obama admin. The Urban community is out of control the economy is sinking unemployment is higher during Obama admin. The right guy didn't win it was stolen from Mitt because of Lois Learner who silenced the Tea Party folks. We cant afford anymore political games we need action and action now or this will happen sooner than we think
*stupid video nuked*
You don't understand. America is in a dire situtation. Our debt is 3 times as higher during Obama admin. The Urban community is out of control the economy is sinking unemployment is higher during Obama admin.
edited for reasons
You are incorrect about the unemployment part. There was five times more jobs than under the Bush administration. The unemployment rate actually has dropped. The downside though is that those still unemployed have been or are unemployed longer.
I don't blame any president for my many unemployed periods (both under Bush and Obama)- a few of which lasted longer than 6 months.
Not being a politician will likely hurt Trump more than being a politician. Running one's mouth at every turn makes not a politician.
You clearly have some issues that are affecting your ability to reason and think rationally.
So just relax...
Take a deep breath..
Go into your happy place....
See....(breaths deeply....exhales)...
Thats not so bad
Isnt it?
I say give a Businessman a try. Politicians just screw one thing up to another. What they say really means another thing.