Hello all, I'm helping LMM... Terp her words for her...
I found a company that was hiring... this was before I own my own rig..
The owner told me " I don't hire females let alone a Deaf lady.. but if you can
prove to me that you know how to drive... I will have to eat my words..
he took me out to a flied.. There sat ole Besty... I jump in the ole rig started her up... drove her out of the flied..down the road... My boss look at me..
Got back to his place.. he said "damm i have eat my words & hire you!" I ask him "why is ole Besty sitting in your flied?" " None of my drivers know how to drive her." he said. "Can I drive her for you?" " Hmmm. I firgure you would want to drive one of the 13 speeds. Or do you know how to drive a 13 speed?" " "Hell yes, I have been around semi all my life, My grandpa taught me how to drive." He own his own company.
I drove for this company 3 yrs.. if my boss need a drive to pick up one of his semi, cuz driver would get piss & quit, leave company truck in other state.. My boss would fly me out, I would pick up truck... Haul back load...
I have only hire maybe about 4 lumppers, whole time I was on the road..
I did all my unloading.... while load skeeds, workers on dock.. would have look on there face's "Wow, look at her work!"...
I can prove proof that I have drove semis... That I have a total deafness...
That never stop me from doing any thing that I wanted to do, If hearing people can do it, why should it stop me?.. I might have go about a lillel differnetly, but at the end be the same.
Yes I have stand up since I was teenage, for anything a hearing person can do I can do!