Trivia or "Wow, who knew?"

What's with all the taboo about eating horsemeat? Why is it "ugh" for you guys? The meat is leaner, sweeter, and high in protein.
What's with all the taboo about eating horsemeat? Why is it "ugh" for you guys? The meat is leaner, sweeter, and high in protein.

i agree even as veggi i not understanding moral issues fluffy lambs are ok
What's with all the taboo about eating horsemeat? Why is it "ugh" for you guys? The meat is leaner, sweeter, and high in protein.

I had horse meat in France when I was there as a kid. I thought it was disgusting, and slimy.

It's not something I would want to eat.
The Ugh factor is that horses are not raised to be food (at least not here that I know of). So if I found out my burgers contained horsemeat, I would not like it at all.
Women blink twice as often as men. I must say I blinked many times in disbelief when I read what Caz said about horsemeat in burgers :giggle:.
:( about all the stuff about animals. Now, I am depressed. Those poor lobsters and horses.
no, they eat alot of madonalds

but yeap seafoods are popular, as well as lamb, beef, chicken, thais', chinese take aways, and posh foods for the rich ones......
i like posh drinks
and shrimp cocktails and grilled salmons (esp with the best kinds) and gourmet pizzas with handmade bases...

and of course gourmet coffees
The Ugh factor is that horses are not raised to be food (at least not here that I know of). So if I found out my burgers contained horsemeat, I would not like it at all.

If they are going into food they probably are raised for food, the problem here is that Tesco isn't putting this in the label so you can decide if you're happy with horseburgers or not.

1. Metric is the global language of measurement and there are only 3 countries in the world that do not use the metric system ... Liberia, Myanmar and the US.

The UK still uses Imperial measurements for a lot of things: speed limits, weight, pint glasses ;) but slowly (because they are in the EU) they are introducing more and more Metric stuff.

For example: All new railways built in the UK have metric measurements for their (pardon the term) mileposts.
Did you know you don't sneeze in your sleep? But, when you do sneeze, you can send out 100,000 germs into the air at 100 miles an hour. Yikes!

and you can't sneeze with your eyes open.
however, some people are able to (sneeze with eyes open).

i learn Inuits can see over two hundred fifty shades of white the rest of world can not
The UK still uses Imperial measurements for a lot of things: speed limits, weight, pint glasses ;) but slowly (because they are in the EU) they are introducing more and more Metric stuff.

For example: All new railways built in the UK have metric measurements for their (pardon the term) mileposts.

Thanks for expanding on this bit of trivia :). <raises a pint to say Cheers ;-) >
i learn Inuits can see over two hundred fifty shades of white the rest of world can not

Wow, I didn't know that. I wonder if they can also see fifty shades of Grey (ok, I know, bad joke but I couldn't help myself :giggle:).
Today I heard that the combined weight of all the ants in the world is about equal to the combined weight of all humans and ants outnumber humans a million to one. I guess we can forget 'Planet of the Apes', time to start considering "Planet of the Ants", Ack!!