Triple Migraine Murder...


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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The father of Emily Janzen of BC couldn't stand to watch her suffer from agonizing migraines anymore.
So he took a gun and shot her in the head, then he shoot his wife and his sister then he committed suicide.

Triple Migraine Murder

Suffering from extremely debilitating migraines myself, I can understand the guy. I also understand his frustration with medical system perfectly.
Every migraine sufferer who is beyond triptans, botox, OTC, NSAIDs, etc and needs serious narcotic pain reliever is met with extreme suspicion and demeaning treatment from medical personnel, and quickly branded "drug seeker" or outright "addict". nobody believes it can hurt so bad and nobody believes NOTHING helps with pain.
anyhoo. what I wanted to say, while I am in no way condoning the killing, I can understand why mentally unbalanced father would break down one day after years of feeling helpless and belittled watching his daughter treated like addict by medical professionals - the very ones who are supposed to "care and save"- to the point he'd think death is only way out for his daughter.

I got a phone call from my daughter's when she was in second grade the nurse said my daughter had a headache and needed to be picked up. The headache was so bad the sunlight hurt my daughter eyes. I was not about to pump her full of meds so took her to my acupuncturist for treatments and this helped her . Had you tried this yet? My daughter had a friend who dad was a principal and one of this teacher commit suicide b/c she had migraines , it was very sad.
Have heard many stories about severe migraines like that... and cluster headaches (those are about as bad- have heard about one person who would actually bang his head on the wall it hurt so bad). So can understand the father's pain so to speak. Shame that there was not much he could do- sounds like they tried everything (possibly even acupuncture).

Mine aren't that bad as yet but it still isn't easy- especially since it seems to affect my vision in that eye (always that side.. no idea...)
The father of Emily Janzen of BC couldn't stand to watch her suffer from agonizing migraines anymore.
So he took a gun and shot her in the head, then he shoot his wife and his sister then he committed suicide.

Triple Migraine Murder

Suffering from extremely debilitating migraines myself, I can understand the guy. I also understand his frustration with medical system perfectly.
Every migraine sufferer who is beyond triptans, botox, OTC, NSAIDs, etc and needs serious narcotic pain reliever is met with extreme suspicion and demeaning treatment from medical personnel, and quickly branded "drug seeker" or outright "addict". nobody believes it can hurt so bad and nobody believes NOTHING helps with pain.
anyhoo. what I wanted to say, while I am in no way condoning the killing, I can understand why mentally unbalanced father would break down one day after years of feeling helpless and belittled watching his daughter treated like addict by medical professionals - the very ones who are supposed to "care and save"- to the point he'd think death is only way out for his daughter.


same position i just want die when they bad and you so right about medical people they do class you like that but in my case it don't always work..i take some sleeping pill and pray i can sleep it through.
i would sit on a bee hive if it stop got suffer them to know what it like and i would not wish them on anyone apart from blasted doc who don't take them seriously.he only need one he find out.
this poor family must had other issues aswell as daughters migraines
I was not about to pump her full of meds so took her to my acupuncturist for treatments and this helped her . Had you tried this yet? My daughter had a friend who dad was a principal and one of this teacher commit suicide b/c she had migraines , it was very sad.

of course I tried it, and it did zit.

same position i just want die when they bad and you so right about medical people they do class you like that but in my case it don't always work..i take some sleeping pill and pray i can sleep it through.
i would sit on a bee hive if it stop got suffer them to know what it like and i would not wish them on anyone apart from blasted doc who don't take them seriously.he only need one he find out.
this poor family must had other issues aswell as daughters migraines

I was watching the first report on the news when this happen, and it was said the father was also frustrated with how badly his daughter suffered with migraine - she couldn't continue with her school and musical career anymore due to having those frequent debilitating migraine episodes,
and because of our medical system (particularly the ER personnel) who "pumped her full of morphine then treated her as drug addict".
And who if not I know firsthand the very treatment at the ER of migraineurs? lol. you go there with your own vomit bucket or a bag, you throw up before their very eyes barely standing on your two legs and they have an audacity accuse you of being "a drug seeker". Even if you have a letter from your neurologist stating
" Ms Fuzzy is my longtime patient and in case of emergency please give her shot of ..... " - it still won't matter,
the ER dorks will singlehandedly disregard instructions of one of the best known migraine specialist in the North America (he teaches other neurologist on the subject for crissake!) ) and do what they think is fine. and call me an addict to boot.
they see me this only once in their life, they know zero of my medical history, they do NOT know migraines in depth being "jack of all trades, master on none" in ER, they do not know me from one Jill to another, yet they will while sitting on their high horses obnoxiously preach to me some common generalities about migraine (of which I know tons more than them !!) and how bad narcotics are (like my dr doesn't remind me of that every time!!) , all the time holding my most sought after neurologist letter in their hand!

No wonder this father blew his gasket. Certainly it looks like the daughter was suffering from migraine- caused depression, too. Migraine is caused among other things by serotonin imbalance. so is depression,
and one and the other go hand in hand because of the common denominator- serotonin, and also endorphin.
the longer the migraine last, and it may last weeks, months, the deeper depression goes, however it doesn't mean a person is suffering from depression per se - no, in case of migraines quite often depression is a sort of a by-product of serotonin imbalance caused by prolonged migraine (to say it in layman term).

So, here we have a father who can not help himself with his emotions. probably needs psychiatric help but in BC psychiatric care is atrocious. Suicidal people are being sent back home and then they commit suicide - I know such case personally. so he is left without help, he is torn inside because he is watching his daughter suffering agonizing pain over and over and over again,
Seeing her being sad from being accused by her peers of "wanting to be sick" (I've been there, too), depressed because she couldn't go forward with her life in every aspect - neither academically, nor socially, nor being able to spent time with with family
treated like sh*t at the doctors, ER, told "there is nothing we can do",
watching her unconscious with pain, throwing up, feeling helpless, helpless,
all that rage at being callously turned away, unheard, left without future, not understood, etc etc caused something very bad, very dark, very tragic, obviously..

I had no way of knowing you tried it . :roll:

It's just a common sense, What - almost every person suffering with whatever hellish pain tried everything possible under the sun to relieve this pain.
Especially such well known, common staples of alternative therapies like herbs, diet, acupuncture, acupressure, chiropractor, yoga, aromatherapy etc etc..

and usually well within the first year it started.

Have heard many stories about severe migraines like that... and cluster headaches (those are about as bad- have heard about one person who would actually bang his head on the wall it hurt so bad). So can understand the father's pain so to speak. Shame that there was not much he could do- sounds like they tried everything (possibly even acupuncture).

Mine aren't that bad as yet but it still isn't easy- especially since it seems to affect my vision in that eye (always that side.. no idea...)

Cluster headaches, also know as suicide headaches for good reason. I know it seems odd to some to take your life over a headache but these headaches can last for weeks or months. I do understand but I agree to try Oriental medicine too sometimes better than the drugs the doctor gives patients.

It's just a common sense, What - almost every person suffering with whatever hellish pain tried everything possible under the sun to relieve this pain.
Especially such well known, common staples of alternative therapies like herbs, diet, acupuncture, acupressure, chiropractor, yoga, aromatherapy etc etc..

and usually well within the first year it started.


It helped my daughter , and wrong there a lot of people that will not try Acupuncture . I had suggested this to people and they say they hate needles . And it could had been the of acupuncturist you used , there are good one and bad ones just like in medical field . I took my child to one of the best one around in Boston.
It helped my daughter , and wrong there a lot of people that will not try Acupuncture . I had suggested this to people and they say they hate needles . And it could had been the of acupuncturist you used , there are good one and bad ones just like in medical field . I took my child to one of the best one around in Boston.

LOLOL of ocurse, typical response, it didn't work, must be my fault, I chose wrong acupunturist, I did something wrong, I have bad attitude etc etc LOLOL

The hardcore migraine sufferer is willing to eat sh*t if it would help, believe me WDYS.
Please try to understand WDYS, I am a over 30 years long migraine sufferer and I was in touch with other serious migraine sufferers who like me, also tried acupuncture with different acupuncturist and it failed, too.
was it their fault, too? did they too, like me, maybe chose the wrong one?
It just doesn't work.
I don't know your daughter history, but with all due respect to your daughter she doesn't necessarily have migraines. For example tension headaches too, cause sensitivity to light.
It is a common mistake to categorically attribute certain symptoms to certain types of headache, like "migraine only happen on the one side of head" - not true. migraine may as well happen on both sides, on the top of the head, in the back, it may resemble stroke,
feel like sinus headache (and it is frequently mistaken for sinus infection) and other.
also, I don't know WDYS what caused your daughter's headache in the first place, but it could have as well go away on its own, regardless of acupuncture.

Why do you think some people commit suicides due to migraine, do you suppose they wouldn't try the acupuncture first, WDYS?

Cluster headaches, also know as suicide headaches for good reason. I know it seems odd to some to take your life over a headache but these headaches can last for weeks or months.

but then the cluster usually disappears for long time, sometimes years. people are pain free for years, with migraine they suffer all the time- no break.

People commit suicide because of migraines, too.

May I point out how mostly men suffer from cluster?
whereas women 3 times more often than men suffer from migraine.

Need I say more?

but then the cluster usually disappears for long time, sometimes years. people are pain free for years, with migraine they suffer all the time- no break.

People commit suicide because of migraines, too.

May I point out how mostly men suffer from cluster?
whereas women 3 times more often than men suffer from migraine.

Need I say more?

This is true. I know more women with migraines and know of at least one male who had severe cluster headaches. Not all of the women have constant migraines but they do show up regularly. But... I do know one female who does have cluster headaches... she recently had one after many years of not having any.

as for me...i don't know what it is... I'm told it is migraines-- one lasted for nearly 2 weeks (that was the first bad one). Imitrix is a hit or miss.. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't-- always seems to stay to the right side- pain around eye socket (yes I am planning on a 2nd opinion with eyes- that's a whole other story).

Unfortunately it is hard to pinpoint headaches and the type in many cases...or it gets misdiagnosed as you mentioned...:(
I was watching the first report on the news when this happen, and it was said the father was also frustrated with how badly his daughter suffered with migraine - she couldn't continue with her school and musical career anymore due to having those frequent debilitating migraine episodes,
and because of our medical system (particularly the ER personnel) who "pumped her full of morphine then treated her as drug addict".
And who if not I know firsthand the very treatment at the ER of migraineurs? lol. you go there with your own vomit bucket or a bag, you throw up before their very eyes barely standing on your two legs and they have an audacity accuse you of being "a drug seeker". Even if you have a letter from your neurologist stating
" Ms Fuzzy is my longtime patient and in case of emergency please give her shot of ..... " - it still won't matter,
the ER dorks will singlehandedly disregard instructions of one of the best known migraine specialist in the North America (he teaches other neurologist on the subject for crissake!) ) and do what they think is fine. and call me an addict to boot.
they see me this only once in their life, they know zero of my medical history, they do NOT know migraines in depth being "jack of all trades, master on none" in ER, they do not know me from one Jill to another, yet they will while sitting on their high horses obnoxiously preach to me some common generalities about migraine (of which I know tons more than them !!) and how bad narcotics are (like my dr doesn't remind me of that every time!!) , all the time holding my most sought after neurologist letter in their hand!

No wonder this father blew his gasket. Certainly it looks like the daughter was suffering from migraine- caused depression, too. Migraine is caused among other things by serotonin imbalance. so is depression,
and one and the other go hand in hand because of the common denominator- serotonin, and also endorphin.
the longer the migraine last, and it may last weeks, months, the deeper depression goes, however it doesn't mean a person is suffering from depression per se - no, in case of migraines quite often depression is a sort of a by-product of serotonin imbalance caused by prolonged migraine (to say it in layman term).

So, here we have a father who can not help himself with his emotions. probably needs psychiatric help but in BC psychiatric care is atrocious. Suicidal people are being sent back home and then they commit suicide - I know such case personally. so he is left without help, he is torn inside because he is watching his daughter suffering agonizing pain over and over and over again,
Seeing her being sad from being accused by her peers of "wanting to be sick" (I've been there, too), depressed because she couldn't go forward with her life in every aspect - neither academically, nor socially, nor being able to spent time with with family
treated like sh*t at the doctors, ER, told "there is nothing we can do",
watching her unconscious with pain, throwing up, feeling helpless, helpless,
all that rage at being callously turned away, unheard, left without future, not understood, etc etc caused something very bad, very dark, very tragic, obviously..


I have NHS(thank God)but still like your system wont get far at A&E and doc unlikely to come out...I been to neurologist waste of time and think I deck any doc who say psycologocal which they have.
I a member of migraine society it in London if you taken bad and near bye you can go to them they let you sleep give you puke pills and pain killers tide you over so crawl on to tube get home..they always doing research I taken part before now I don't know if you have similar in States but look at UK society.
I have paid £200 for taxi before now to get home just to ill for train.
very occasionally if I drink some tonic water and have really cheap sweets it may abort it,i think it quinine in tonic water why that should do it I not a clue but timing has to be to the second,for me it starts with vision it like I seeing through water..i have been told people who suffer low blood pressure are suffers and my family has some genetic thing we have awful migraine.To my knowledge low bp is not considered problem to be treated here but is in Germany would be intresting to know the stats.
I not negating people who suffer head aches for other reasons like neck or eye problems cluster head aches they must be just as miserable but doc more likely to help or give you reasons.I not seen doc for my migraine in years just pointless
Caz, if you are in UK then I am truly sorry for you because being a longtime migraine forum member I know from various posters how UK doctors are very against narcotic pain relief (which sucks) and how it is practically impossible to a get decent treatment for migraine there because of that.

However, you guys have a good migraine specialist - Prof Peter Goadsby from London - he went to USA UCSF to train with the best in migraine
Prof P. Goadsby
so why not try to get an appointment with him? it's well worth the wait.

I understand your frustration with the doctors all too well.
You see, migraine is very complicated disease, it require a well researched, dedicated specialist. just because someone is a neurologist it doesn't mean he or she know enough to understand migraines,
and quite often a very migraine specialist gets an overblown ego, too which makes an unpleasant "know-it-all" also.

You are 100% right, migraine is NOT psychological in origin, do deck also from me anybody who says that. in the 'nads if it's a man.
What are you normally take for your migraine episodes? are you prescribed any triptans? like Imitrex or Zomig, Maxalt etc?
sometimes those who find triptans useless are responding to ergotamine, dihydroergotamine.
However, my migraine attacks are so hard neither narcotic painkiller nor triptan alone won't relieve it, so I have to take both at the same time, and I won't bother with anything less than P. because it would be like taking tic- tacs. and mind you, it's not like I take one dose and I will miraculously get well - no, for me "getting better" means the hellish pain drops from 10+ to bearable 3-4 on a scale from 1 to 10.
yes, I am happy if my pain is controlled and steady at a 3-4 level so I can get up and not feel puke-y.
It may take up to 10 doses of triptan+ painkiller combo in one day to get a relief, and it may last weeks.

As for the tonic water helping you with headache, it could be because quinine is a salt, and salt is electrolytes which partake in nerve transmissions? also maybe because as salt, it elevate your blood pressure.
if some sweets help you, maybe your blood sugar is too low. but that tells me perhaps you are not eating regularly, perhaps you are allowing to go hungry for too long and your blood sugar dips, which in turn gives you the warning symptoms that headache is coming = blurry vision.

I know doctors frustrate you, but my advice is, keep searching for one you will feel comfortable with. particularly that you have NHS, so it won't cost you.

low blood pressure indeed is very common among migraineurs, I used to have low BP, too, but there is no treatment, really, for this.


ps, yeah, there are researches here, too.

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