trip to south africa


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I am planning to trip to south africa in july 2011.

How much price from san francisco, california to durban, south africa?

How long will be on flight to south africa from america? What if stopover in europe or altanta or new york before direct to south africa?
buy one-way ticket.
That is awesome matajan, please post pictures when your trip is complete.

I am sure Jiro would be willing to answer all of your questions, so please write down all the questions that pop in your head and send thema ll to Jiro's PM

;) :giggle:
isn't PFH heading that way too? that would be great - Matajan and PFH having a party in south africa. best buds and BFF's
make sure you stop over in Somalia and get a boat ride.
Somalian is too dangerous for tourists includes muslim african country and rwanada.

so is South Africa. It has one of the highest crime rates in the world for carjacking, robbery, and murder.
Somalian is too dangerous for tourists includes muslim african country and rwanada.

that's why you gotta stick close to PFH matajan !! any trouble and you just give him a push towards the danger and run the other way