I apologize in advance for not having the lingo for everything. I will try to explain as best I can, if someone has further questions. I'm still learning!
So, the meeting was basically to discuss the evaluations that were done in the past month.
His IEP meeting is in April.
The meeting was ok. Placement definitely wasn't decided; it was discussed a little bit. He remains eligible for an IEP.
The evaluation results didn't necessarily surprise me; my son has a good command of language, both expressive & receptive. He was never below middle-average on any results and most were very high.
The SLP's evaluation did give her more of an idea of what articulation goals should be written for next year. There is a clear pattern & it is due to his hearing loss.
So, it turns out that Carminati (the school I thought I preferred) is
not a magnet school for Tempe (there are only two or three d/hh kids there right now). Apparently, there are d/hh kids at many of the elementary schools; they're all spread out, including at Frank, to which we are assigned.
If there are schools which draw d/hh kids from their districts in the greater Phoenix area, they're probably the Sequoia schools (there are two; only one goes thru high school), Desert Voices, and PDSD.
The hearing specialist will write into the IEP to visit him weekly. That will up the time he sees her.
I'm not freaked out as much anymore, as many ADers have given me excellent suggestions for further research; I can get educated, but that will take time.
I remain concerned that despite the claim of Open Enrollment, the district will not approve him to attend our school of choice, because of the IEP. Even though the IEP will follow him, no matter where he attends.
Because I don't have a full grasp of IDEA yet, can they do that?
I have other things I need to look into, people to call, but I'm not sure I have all the right questions to ask. It's one of those, you don't know what you don't know sort of situations.
My concerns of his being with his d/hh peers, who will help him w/ HAs during the day, etc., weren't exactly brushed off, but I think I was feeling the "mainstreaming will be FINE" vibe.
Have to run to go deal with another problem in my life, & hub just got home, so will try to post more later.
Thanks all!