Pretty mountain
Lake with beach
Camping, biking, hiking etc
many house, apartment, condo etc are so expensive
High Gas
No deaf event expect SAC for elder deaf people
No deaf social
That why we are planning to move Washington (state).
*SLAMING on GAS BRAKE!* Whoa whoa who said there's no deaf event? check this website out! there are alot of events going on and deaf social too. If you said no deaf event that cuz you never went one... All states are the sames... I have went to one deaf event right after work earlier today, saw many old faces and ofc many new faces...
Well, not always... All states are the same? not always again...
I raised up in Michigan for 21 years since, they have RARELY deaf event, Im serious. LIke deaf expo, they will have that event EVERY TWO YEARS. Not ONE year. Well, michigan have LOUSY deaf social, I tell you.
Yes, that's correct, I love forests. That's why I was trying to tell Sweetheart that. I don't really like deserts that much. I know that there are many forest towns in Arizona are small and have lack of jobs and don't pay good and they're expensive to live in, too. Also, not many deaf people live there, too. Well, many mountain towns in Arizona do have 4 seasons, even tho they get nasty wildfires. Ack! I was thinking of Colorado, but will see.
There's a lot of coniferous forests here in Seattle metro area.![]()
*SLAMING on GAS BRAKE!* Whoa whoa who said there's no deaf event? check this website out! there are alot of events going on and deaf social too. If you said no deaf event that cuz you never went one... All states are the sames... I have went to one deaf event right after work earlier today, saw many old faces and ofc many new faces...
I already know about this website but they don't have real deaf center. They have SAC. Most elder people goes there. My husband and I are not elder yet. Most of them are 60's to up. I talked with very few friends that they know many deaf people in colorado but they told me that deaf people are not socialing each other. I know about 5 interpreter that they told me that too hard to find deaf people to social. I know that colorado have deaf soft baseball but I am not interested in. I am not interested in colorado deaf because Most event are for meeting often. Very few fun event. BUT NONE OF DEAF CENTER! OKAY?
have some..
WONDERFUL ATV in DUNES and deserts!
not alot of rainy seasons
wonderful winter weather
can save money by cooking outside without any sorces such as gas, (you can use aluminum foil to cook food)
plenty of odd people there.
i was told there are coffee chats in colorado so obivously yes they do have deaf events in colorado...
Mean people in AZ so that means my brother is a mean person?There are nice and mean people everywhere. It seems like u got in with the wrong people.
Onlys people that gamble are very evil, mean, ugly and hateful and spiteful, not sayin' anythin' about your brother, bad things has happend to me in Las Vegas, no I did not make friends in Las Vegas, it's the people like the police, the judge and people that gamble are rotten and mean and ugly...
My sister works at the mall and one guy came to her and told her how horrible Las Vegas is, he said people in Las Vegas were very ugly and mean to him, he used to live there and I used to live there, more more people movin' out of Las Vegas, because of how they're mistreated there...
For Arizona, I stayed one month with a friend I knew has changed on me, she was rotten and mean to me also my ex-roommate were rotten and mean to me in Las Vegas too and no I didn't get with the wrong people, because I don't social with them and as roommate we minded our own business, I didn't invited them as my roommate, my fiance did, I had nothing to do with those 3 ex-roommate anyway...
I'm back home and haven't been mistreated lately so far as long I stayed away from deaf people or hearing people, I choose my family over them, because my family don't mistreat me like they do, and I'm free of pains and I'm happy!!!
Well, not always... All states are the same? not always again...
I raised up in Michigan for 21 years since, they have RARELY deaf event, Im serious. LIke deaf expo, they will have that event EVERY TWO YEARS. Not ONE year. Well, michigan have LOUSY deaf social, I tell you.