Tooth fairy's going rates?

Loose change. and I knew it bought me candy!! :)

Kids nowadays expects... paper money!! :giggle:
Erm my mum and dad cheated then!?!?

When me and my brothers were young we got tokens like 'Get out of cleaning dishes' and 'Hour out to the play park' :)
When I was growing up, it was a dime for the smaller teeth and a quarter for the molars. For my kids, mostly it was 50 cents for the smaller and a dollar for the molars. Daughter had her front 4 teeth pulled due to an abscess and infection when she was 3 and so we gave her $2 for that due to the trauma of the surgery. She also had silver crowns put on her first 4 molars and when those came out she got $1 and a gift certificate for ice cream at DQ.
Here in Finland ther's no tooth fairies or something like that.
Sorry. :aw:

Then what do you (general you) do with your children who lost a tooth? Nothing? I feel sorry for the children.

If my future children loses a tooth, they will get 5 dollars per tooth, of which one dollar they get to keep, the other $4 goes into a college fund for the child. The older they get, the more money they get to keep, and the more money that goes into the college fund as well, until they have finished losing all their baby teeth. I think it's a good way to start a college fund.
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Then what do you (general you) do with your children who lost a tooth? Nothing? I feel sorry for the children.

You have to understand each culture is different. Why do you feel sorry for the children??

Does not make sense for you to feel sorry for them due to it is something they do not do in that country or what not.
Dollar for regular tooth and 5 bucks for a moler. That what was the regular rates from my "tooth Fairy"
You have to understand each culture is different. Why do you feel sorry for the children??

Does not make sense for you to feel sorry for them due to it is something they do not do in that country or what not.

Well most children get excited about losing a tooth, and they like to get something for it. I'm not from Finland so I really don't know. I didn't mean to offend. I apologize.
I never had a filling that young and my daugther had no filling for years,

I got more money for baby teeth with fillings that came out because it meant I got a new tooth with no filling coming in soon. With a baby tooth that came out with no filling I get the usual amount of money. I remember when I was about 9 years old, I lost a tooth with a filling, and I got $10 for it and a special note from my dad that he was so proud of me for losing a tooth that had a filling in it (it was the only tooth in my mouth with a filling) because it meant I was cavity-less now (when I was 9). This was before my dad's girlfriend (now wife) came into the picture. It was also the last baby tooth that came out. That was how my mother and my dad was, before my mother died.
Just give a copy of the dvd "Tooth Fairy", they would like that more than money....It will cost you more too, so dont be a tightwad with a kid you love!!