Too much on my mind (too tired to rewrite this) - About my daughter's school


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Feb 25, 2006
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Well I have been sleeping in this pattern for a while now.
Things haven't exactly gone smoothly lately again with my daughter's situation at school.
I met a bunch of people lastnight who were Deaf as well as their children. Felt like home.
I told them my entire situation and they completely understood having gone through the same thing.

I know you guys probably don't understand. I know there are many of you that can't really respond having not been apart of the Deaf community and experienced Deaf Ed.

I guess I have so much anger inside. I fuel it for another upcoming battle. Use it inorder to give me strength to get back up with my boxing gloves on.

They have all said we will look into such things that I have requested. Yet inside I feel it's just to pacify me. Keep me quiet. I read their body language, feel the tension, see the fakiness that they project in the conversations. Avoiding all eye contact - nod and smile.

I feel for our Deaf children, they deserve so much more then they get. Alot of the Deaf here in Windsor, are on disaiblity because of the lack of education they have. They struggle in all the basics math and reading (language skills).

All I could do was nod my head lastnight. I feel so cheated with this system. People that are suppose to be supporting us, adovcating for us let the system cover it's faults and contiune to take away services by putting a ridiculious amount of red tape inorder to give such services for our Deaf children.

They took away the ASL program in St. Clair, they have taken away Herman High School which was basically a Deaf school. They have mainstreamed every Deaf child and in the end result they have achieved nothing. Except a bunch of wasted talent, intellegence and brains.

So many of those that are in the system are also showing signs of being bias towards the Deaf. They think that we just should GET it or that hearing aids fix our problems. Which in some respects only adds more to the problem.

Now I take this to the next level of support - Drs. I can request that they write a specific documentation stating that my daughter has needs and she requires .....such to function in a regular school. Then off I go if I get no where to the Wards.

I know it's hard to understand. I just wish that for one day they could step into Our World. For a child who is Deaf/HofH they have no clue about rythming (sp?). My daughter makes up words because she hears the sylabols (sp?). Deaf Ed they do shapes that visually with ASL. So it's not the sounds it's the shape of what they are signing.

All I can do is provide as much support at home, work with her and keep fighting for her. Keep close contact with her teachers.

Until I get what I need to contiune on this battle.

I posted on a forum that is here in Canada. I know they don't understand but I guess I just need to get it out.

I am pretty angry at the moment. I can't sleep. If you guys have any suggestions, or feedback please take the time to PM me or email me.

I could use alot of support right now. Love you guys. RG
Oh well, I guess no one really has anything to say to this. Sorry I bothered you guys.
Ohhh no worry abt it.. smile....

I feel the same way. I have hoh daugther and deaf son too. I always check on my daugther in school and see how she .. So far, She is doing good. She is only one hoh in public school.

My deaf son will go to pre-school this Jan.

Just dont giving up. Important to teach kids everyday like read the books.

Oh well, I guess no one really has anything to say to this. Sorry I bothered you guys.

How old is your daughter?? I have been waiting for my daughter's school approval. She did took test and speech therapy. They say something about her speech. She is hearing and I am HOH. Her speech like mine talking. So, I am still waiting for approval..
How old is your daughter?? I have been waiting for my daughter's school approval. She did took test and speech therapy. They say something about her speech. She is hearing and I am HOH. Her speech like mine talking. So, I am still waiting for approval..

She is 6.

I have another who is 4 (she is a real piece of work). Her hearing seems to getting worse. She is moderate to severe hearing loss.
She is 6.

I have another who is 4 (she is a real piece of work). Her hearing seems to getting worse. She is moderate to severe hearing loss.

My daughter is 4 yrs old too.. She is doing good. Best thing to spend more time with your daughters. Help her. You are a mother and you help her and teach her.. I am HOH and I am doing my best to teach my daughter to learn speak porperly.
You can help the HOH children by sitting them on the front row with their good ear towards the teacher. I know when I was younger if I couldnt hear the lesson I would simply space out, thus causing me to miss more of the lesson. My language skills were fine because I learned to adapt to the hearing, plus I was (and still am) an avid book reader. But math - oh god I avoid it like the plague. I cannot do math for crap - I cannot even divide and it is almost embarrassing knowing I cant do elementary math. For VR they had me take a skills test covering math and language skills - they said I just made little mistakes and was off by one or two numbers.

What is sad is my parents blamed my lack of math skills on laziness so therefore I never got the help I needed for math when I should have. Lets just say I will never go to engineering school. People say I have math anxiety - I think its more of a math phobia LOL.

If you think your deaf/hoh might have trouble with language skills, encourage them to read books and write short stories (let them write whatever they want), but for math, you may neeed to bring in a tutor and/or an ASL Interpreter. If your child requires it, then the public schools (here in the States anyway) have to furnish one free of charge.

It is sad that alot of deaf/hoh have to go on disability or work entry level jobs simply because they lack the basic skills needed to function on the job. I think there should be more done to ensure the deaf/hoh are getting those basic skills down so they can move on to possibly college or trade schools - as alot of trade schools like to focus on math skills.

I wish you and your children the best of luck for the future. Vent when you need to, it is good for the body.