Toddlers & Tiaras

Boris Becker were not lovers with Angela Ermakova, they only had sex once in a broom closet and their daughter Anna resulted from that.

Did you read about Anna in the pageant in the Bild?

Sorry about the OT bit, I don't know why some parents have to self-project their issues on their tiny daughters and feel the need to sexualise them just to feel good. It's baffling.

Huge beehives, Dolly Parton makeup and pinafore dresses.. there is a tiny girl there that just wants to play but she has to impress Mommy and the judges under the bright lights. Of course, she's frightened and she's told not to cry and smile.

So sad.

Yes, I know that they sex in broom closet for a few minutes.

Boris claimed that he know her from sex with her in broom closet for a few minutes but Angela claimed differently that she and Boris were lover for a few months before they created Anna in broom closet a few minutes.


Anyway, I should say "Boris sued Angela....... instead of "Russian ex-lover"
Everyone always has their stories. HER "Oh I knew him for a long time before we had sex!" HIM "I just knew her from fk'ing her, that's all!" LOL.. see how a story can get, it gets embarrassing for their daughter because she will learn later on that she was conceived in a broom closet in 5 minutes. Imagine how she feels, her parents were in a hurry.
Sorry about the OT bit, I don't know why some parents have to self-project their issues on their tiny daughters and feel the need to sexualise them just to feel good. It's baffling.

Huge beehives, Dolly Parton makeup and pinafore dresses.. there is a tiny girl there that just wants to play but she has to impress Mommy and the judges under the bright lights. Of course, she's frightened and she's told not to cry and smile.

So sad.
i think it is child abuse. total psychological mental child abuse.
I totally hate that show. I have seen the kids become bitch and controlling and the mother have no control over it. I feel so bad for the kids to be like that. They should be left alone and let them have a wonderful childhood memory. Duh and whack the parent!!!
Everyone always has their stories. HER "Oh I knew him for a long time before we had sex!" HIM "I just knew her from fk'ing her, that's all!" LOL.. see how a story can get, it gets embarrassing for their daughter because she will learn later on that she was conceived in a broom closet in 5 minutes. Imagine how she feels, her parents were in a hurry.

Yeah I can imagine. :lol:
These parents are stupid and have no common sense.
And they should SHUT IT DOWN and do not RUN anything like that on TV!!! That really piss me off BIG time!
It is creepy. And it is the mother who always wants this. The kids are just like their dolls to dress up an required to perform.

I have always been against sexualizing young children. Babies and Children are suppose to look like children, and not grown women.

I am totally against it! I mean 1,000,000,000% against! I refused to watch it...I saw some of the commercials...poor kids....suffer, no childhood life etc....parent all want is the money.

I rather wait till she turns 18 and make HER OWN decision not the parents.

I agree with all three of you ladies :D

So do I.