Yeah, basically. From what I understand, there are certain schools for the deaf that are able to give lessons to small children via the internet and video chat if you live in certain areas near the school but still too far away to commute reasonably. It would be a great tool for us on top of her weekly speech and hearing specialist sessions and that's what I'm currently looking for in our area, but I'm having a hard time finding any info on it.
I haven't gotten ahold of IL School for the Deaf yet, but plan to after our follow up apt on Friday. Not sure what resources they will have for us since they are even further from us than STL, but I do hear they have a really great summer family program that lasts a week every summer that we would be invited to. I think it's really great to find things that our 2 1/2 year old can be involved with too, she's such a sweetheart, I worry about not giving her enough attention during all of this.
The school in Marion takes those who speak and sign I believe, not sure what classes they have there for sure yet. And I was told last week that there is a... 'communications' school here in Harrisburg, but I'm kind of confused as to what they offer their students
I am more than okay with Zoe being deaf at this point, I know that she perfect and will grow up to be just fine, hearing or not. We will give her the option of ASL no matter what so that she can communicate with other people who are deaf and as a back up if she even if she can get the CIs. What we are most concerned about right now are all the syndromes, diseases, and birth defects that are associated with being born profoundly deaf.
Zoe has had a number of hurdles for us from the time that she was born to now, but the main concerns that are left are the fact that she has very low muscle tone in her trunk and face, she has the worst balance I have seen in an otherwise healthy 15mth old, and she favors her left side (drags her right foot when walking **with help, she can not walk on her own for more than a couple of steps before falling). My mom keeps bringing up things like Ushers Syndrome 1F that results in her going blind later in life, or things like cmv which I don't believe I have. I don't know if my gestational diabetes or 17p shots could have done anything to her in utero. Just really ready to do all the genetic counseling to make sure we don't have any serious medical problems on our hands, ya know?