Toddler found playing on US freeway


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Aug 8, 2003
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Toddler found playing on US freeway - World -

A woman in the US city of Indianapolis has been charged with neglect after prosecutors said she allowed her three-year-old son to wander away from home and play along a busy interstate highway.

Stunned motorists found Damon Dyer barefoot and wearing only a nappy and T-shirt early on Saturday while his mother slept in a nearby apartment in the city's west side.

Police said at least half a dozen cars and a semitrailer swerved into other lanes on Interstate 465 to avoid the child, who was not hurt.

Drivers pulled over and took care of him until officers arrived.

Nancy Dyer, 30, was charged with four counts of felony neglect.

"A couple of the charges are related to the condition of the home and another child that was still in the apartment," said Helen Marchal, a deputy Marion County prosecutor.

Damon and his two-year-old sister have been taken into protective custody.

Investigators said the boy left the second-story apartment on Saturday morning and walked down the stairs, around a fence and onto the highway about 180 metres away.

Dyer told police that she had recently moved to Indiana from Florida and said the apartment was messy because she had not finished unpacking.

Dyer was scheduled to appear tomorrow for an initial hearing in Marion Superior Court.

She was being held at the county jail tonight after a judge set bail at $US3,500 ($A4,430).

that kid COULD have been killed! Damn wish these poeple would think twice!!!!
Yes, that is bad. If I had kids, I'd not want 'em out of my sight at this toddler's age.
This reminds me of the time when I had just recently moved to Saint Cloud, Minnesota (in 2001) and was starting college. When I was riding the bus to school, I saw a 1 year old and a 2 year old playing in the "island" area of a very busy street...I was like OMG WTF...:eek3: There was no adult in sight! I meant to call the police but by the time I got to school (I don't use cell phones, I'm deaf) someone else already had.

Stupid parents.:rl:
Again...u probably all know what I am gonna say about this mother. She should be tied to a pole on a freeway while cars whiz by her.

Thank god the child is alive! Fuck to these parents.
That was a very one sided report, with next to no detail. Without knowing what happened who are we to judge! Also is it common in the US to have major roads with child access.. Thats far worse... The child is safe and thats what matters!

and on the bail point...Because I can:P
hmmmm a mother....probably single....over-worked.....having just moved to a new city.....2 very young, energetic help......taking a nap from EXHAUSTION....go figure

rather than criticizing, were any of us there to lend a hand so that this poor woman didn't have to collapse from exhaustion, thus leaving 2 young children to run wild?
What was his mother thinking? Never fall asleep while the toddler is awake and most importantly, lock the door or chain it way up high. I'm so glad the child is safe. She should be in charged for neglected (sp?)

When my son was a toddler and I was pregnant at the time. I always leave my doors lock because he knows how open the doors. One day, I couldn't hear him in the other room, so I went to check on him and was in for a surprise. He moved the chair and climbed up and reach for the lock. Smart little thing!! I just caught him just in time. I had to moved the lock higher enough for me to reach and he can't reach it.
mecooncat said:
What was his mother thinking? Never fall asleep while the toddler is awake and most importantly, lock the door or chain it way up high. I'm so glad the child is safe. She should be in charged for neglected (sp?)
I found that working 3 jobs tends to cause exhaustion. She might not have had any control over when she fell asleep. Furthermore, I have had children who would wake up in the middle of the night and run amock. This could have happened at any time. Plus, there is the fact that she just moved to a new city, and may not have been able to child-proof the door. I know my little boy was able to get past darn near every lock known to man by the age of 1.
Sheesh! I'm glad to hear the child is ok, sounds like someone I once knew, always sleeping while her children walking around unsupervised in the house and only have one job.. I know some single moms who works and do take good care of her kids....
I can´t say anything because I received only one side is from police and media... I rather to listen mother´s side first then....

It could be true what Eve said in her first post. ???? That´s why I can´t say anything about her yet...

It´s good to know that her children are okay.
What was she thinking ? The kids go to school during the week and she has some time to sleep after the kids are gone to school and on the weekends, she can get up alittle earlier to be ready for the kids then send them off to the grandparent's house then come home, unpack and get everything straightened out in her apartment then catch some much needed sleep and start the week with more enegry, send the kids off to school, it is a matter of time management.
Heath, you seem to be confused. We are talking about a 2 and 3 year old. They aren't old enough to be in school. And how is she supposed to get sleep on weekends? The kids are probably there 24-7. The woman just moved to a new city. How do you know there are grandparents around, and even if there were, how do you know if they were willing to help out? Time management HA! That's a laugh. I find it funny that anyone who hasn't been a single parent in this position is so quick to judge.
Yeah I agree Liebling, being a parent is even harder when you have problems in your life etc. but it's also a tough job too and of course we get frustrated once in a while because raising children take a lot of time and energy..We all make mistakes no parents are perfect...I'm just glad the child is okay that's all I'm gonna to say because Eve is right for one thing, we don't know the whole story yet, it could be alot of reason so it's not my place to make such a judgement :-/
hmmmm a mother....probably single....over-worked.....having just moved to a new city.....2 very young, energetic help......taking a nap from EXHAUSTION....go figure

rather than criticizing, were any of us there to lend a hand so that this poor woman didn't have to collapse from exhaustion, thus leaving 2 young children to run wild?

There are baby proof locks for the door. I have one and it costs less than 5 dollars. What's wrong with getting one?