Today Is THE Day!!! A Must Read!!!


New Member
Oct 2, 2005
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I heard a story a little while ago and it's about jillio.

I heard that the doctors and nurses, while in the delivery room awaiting jillio's first appearance, were actually arguing :pissed: over who would be able to slap her first! :giggle:

:birthday: to you, one of my wonderful friends! Have a great day!!! :D
Ah ... Happy Birthday to ya, JillioOo !! :D
Have a blast one on your special birthday, girl ! :hug:

:birthday: :party:
U must be out for your birthday, Jillo cuz you havent responded to this thread. :giggle:

Happy Bday girl and hope it is a good one!!!!! Funny that you and my mom have the same bday...LOL!

Here is to wishing u a great year ahead of u.

I am surprise that it is your birthday, Jillio. So :birthday: to you and wish you will have many more birthdays. I think you are off from the forum as you might have a :party: with your family and friends for today. Hope you have a great day today. :cool2:
Many thanks to all of you! Actually, I was at school for 12 hours long day! But it has been a good one, and all of these wishes have made it even better!

Happy Birthday Jillio!

Happy Birthday to you!
We share the same birth date? Mine is Nov 2.

Hope you have a wonderful day and many more to come!