I tried dating a meat eater... it grossed me out. I tried though.
I tried dating a meat eater... it grossed me out. I tried though.
As a meat eater, I have no problem dating a vegetarian. My only concern would be how they act towards my preference of eating.
I would be willing to cook both types of food for both of us and if she orders only vegetables, i wouldn't object. However, if she is easily bothered by what I eat... then I wouldn't date her.
I know some vegetarians who are easily bothered by others who eat meat. "O... M... G... ! Are you going to eat THAT!? Jeez! Don't you have any respect for the animals that your food came from? Jeez!" Seriously, that's a big turn-off for anyone in an eating environment... especially for people who happen to be sitting at a nearby table. :roll:
Not sure if I'd want to date a woman who ate animals, especially is she's a Christian and says she's "pro-life." How can a person be a Christian and eat animals at the same time?
Besides, you can't be animal lover if you are meat-eater or using a supple, fur stuff, and others. You can't have both, otherwise, you will not respect them.
Just thought of mine as my opinion...
I am an animal lover, but that's not going to stop me from eating meat.
Native Americans in some tribes respected life. They will thank the spirits whenever they kill a deer, buffalo and such for the sacrifice.
Look at animals like lions, wolves, polar bears, seals and more. They are all carnivores. You need to familiarize yourself with the concept of the food chain. There is a reason why we have carnivores, it's to keep the animal population in balance.
Humans are "powerful" than all of animals, so they can do anything to do harm them or kill brutally them.
Think hardly. A human skin an alive creature for fur or food. Nice, right?
Beat it up for sport, food, fur, or others. Nice, right?
Sorry, I have to disagree with you. You post is not means we should to eat any meat like them because of carnivores animals do that.
But, where is mercy on them by then?
We are omnivores by nature, not carnivores nor herbivores.
Anyway, I do think it's inhumane to hunt animals for sports, and to skin them while they are alive is just plainly cruel. I also believe that canned hunting is wrong because it's the same as hunting for sports.
When an animal is killed, nothing should be wasted in vain.
The problem with today's world is that we waste a lot of animals simply for meat and nothing else. They end up eroding the land and such because a large quantity of them are left in the same place. It's also known that their remains often seeps into the waterways. They are either the #1 or #2 polluter in the world.
Native Americans never did that. Whenever they hunt and kill animals, they use literally everything out of an animal so it won't be wasted. They would eat the meat, they would make tools out of their bones, they would make clothing out of their fur and skin and many more.
It's true that we are the dominating species of Earth. However, we are not at the top of the food chain. Some of us are able to outsmart animals but that doesn't always pan out well for us.
Mercy... well. Nobody said life was fair.
There are animals becoming extinct because they are being hunted too much or for the wrong reasons. We wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for our ancestors who hunted animals for the right reasons such as pilgrims and Native Indians.
We are omnivores by nature, not carnivores nor herbivores.
Anyway, I do think it's inhumane to hunt animals for sports, and to skin them while they are alive is just plainly cruel. I also believe that canned hunting is wrong because it's the same as hunting for sports.
When an animal is killed, nothing should be wasted in vain.
The problem with today's world is that we waste a lot of animals simply for meat and nothing else. They end up eroding the land and such because a large quantity of them are left in the same place. It's also known that their remains often seeps into the waterways. They are either the #1 or #2 polluter in the world.
Native Americans never did that. Whenever they hunt and kill animals, they use literally everything out of an animal so it won't be wasted. They would eat the meat, they would make tools out of their bones, they would make clothing out of their fur and skin and many more.
It's true that we are the dominating species of Earth. However, we are not at the top of the food chain. Some of us are able to outsmart animals but that doesn't always pan out well for us.
Mercy... well. Nobody said life was fair.
True. The passenger pigeon in North America became extinct due to market hunting. The buffalo nearly was extincted in a combination of market hunting, sport for society people in trains, and some evil people's efforts to deprive the plains Indians of food and shelter. Just two sad examples.
Market hunting is no longer legal, and market fishing may go the same way. I don't hunt for sport . . . never did. I hunt and fish for food, the natural right of any predator. There are no endangered animals presently hunted in North America.
In fact, hunters, anglers, and shooters pay 100% of funds to support wildlife habitats in the U.S. for both game and non-game. Not one dime of other taxpayer's monies go to maintain wildlife and parks.
Remotely via the internet? Scary thought.What Are Canned Hunts?
Canned hunting operations, also referred to as "shooting preserves" or "game ranches," are private trophy hunting facilities that offer their customers the opportunity to kill exotic and native animals that are trapped within enclosures. Some facilities even allow their clients to kill animals remotely via the Internet.
Laws against Canned Hunts
As reviled as it is by non-hunters and hunters alike, no federal law bans canned hunting, and the majority of states allow it. The regulations implementing the federal Animal Welfare Act do not apply to game preserves, hunting preserves, and canned hunts. Although the Endangered Species Act protects animals listed as endangered or threatened, the Fish and Wildlife Service does not prohibit private ownership of these animals and even allows the canned hunting of endangered species.