Well, the idea of raising a puppy with a child, some parents rather to get a puppy when the child is younger because it shown to have remarkably increased social skills, including the ability to express themselves and forms a healthy bond with the pet but children should always be supervised when playing with a puppy or near it....I agree that raising a puppy can be as difficult as raising a child and I hope that some parents would think twice to make sure they do all the resource before buying a puppy and be aware of the risks involved inculding the behaviors and what it takes to raise a puppy since it could save them from making a mistake and the important thing is that the parents should always keep an eye on the puppy and children when they are together period, there's no if or but or thinking oh it's just a small puppy, anything could happen justl like what happened to this baby
IMO It's alot of work raising a puppy and a child at the same time, I just hope the parents know what they're doing and that's why most shelters refused to sell puppy during the holidays because usually they buy it for the children than themselves... :sigh: