To the hearing

I can hear my hair! My worst sound is paper crinkling and 2 years on still hate that sound! :)
I can hear my hair! My worst sound is paper crinkling and 2 years on still hate that sound! :)

same here! Paper is one of my too. I could not believe how much noise a paper bad could made when I first got my HA and I still not not like the sound . And this is 56 years later.
I am a hearing person and I can hear some hair crinkling noise. Mostly if someone (or myself) is rubbing my head or mussing up my hair. I can't hear anything when it moves past my ear but if I touch it at all it's a little bit crinkly sounding. I never paid attention until you mentioned it...interesting! :P
My hair rustling against my HA mics is so loud and drives me nuts, especially when it's raining and I put my hood up on my coat- all I hear when I'm walking is SHHHHRSUSSSSTTTLESSSSSHHHHFFFFFFFZZZZZZ. I never hear it make any sound unaided unless I shake my head a lots and I hear a low 'thunk' as it hits my head.

I was sanding down a wooden photo frame last night and the scraping sound drove me absolutely nuts- it made my teeth feel funny, I can't explain it.

Oh, I hate the sound of my coat hood in my HA. The towns were I live
sound a horn at noon time and if I am down town then and forget to turn my HA down the blast will made me jump. when I first moved here the first time time I heard that horn blast I was wear 2 HA and the sound almost knocked me off my feet. I was right where the horn it.
I can hear the Rice Krispies and styrofoam as were mentioned above, but only with aids. Without aids, I'm DEAF to the world. :) I do like reading how hearing people hear things - it doesn't make me jealous, it gives me a whole new perspective of what's out there. :) I'm forever asking my SO "does that make a sound" when I see something that I think would, and if he says yes, I ask him to explain what kind of sound. He's pretty good about it!

I was telling my daughter that my dog always know when I am putting my coat on and getting ready to go out . My daughter said my dog can hear me,and then said everything we do made a sound. Wow I never thought of that. Some time people are complainting a high fidelity sound in a room and can't hear it at all. I am told I am not missing anything.
My dog can hear me putting my shoes on and I was the opposite side of the house and him waiting by the door ready to go out... 80% of time I were going out not taking the poor confused dog. He loves his walks!! I can hear him breathing!...
I hateeee the sound of hair on my mic. The only other thing I can't stand is the car door slamming--- but I don't know if this is because of the sound or the way it pressurizes my ears. Ugh.
I wear a HA in my left ear, and I defenitely hear my hair on that side! I have long hair and it must brush against the BTE. It's like crinkly sounding? Especially when the wind blows my hair ( I work outside).

I only hear it when I have my HA on, and only on that side-so I think it's something to do with the microphone of the hearing aid. I don't hear that sound in my normal hearing ear, or when I'm not wearing the HA.