Robin, so easy other people look situation from outside and say "look this perfect good way out she have, why not she take it??? She must want what she get". You live situation, not so simple. Way out seem simple, obvious others, equal sign own death certificate actual practice. You cannot judge. You never know what someone else life like unless you live it.
Well, you know, Sunny?....There have been women who did leave, went to a Domestic Shelter Refuge, and their abuser found them and killed them.....Then there are women who's self-esteem has been beaten down so far, they feel "they deserve the abuse"....
Then there are women who in their minds, really believe the abuser loves them, but cannot control his rage....
Of course, everyone's case is different. I had to leave the State...With my 13 month old child. I just took the "bill money" that he threw on the dresser, called a cab and left...with just the clothes on my back and my baby's bag full of milk and diapers.Caught a bus to a relative's home. She had been encouraging me to leave so many times, but I just made "excuses" for him....
I never looked back. I'm lucky to be alive, and I know it. Would I want to do this again? Hell no.....A lot of women are "too embarrassed" to tell someone about the abuse...and they suffer in silence.....And some women "complain" about it, but still remain with the abuser....
That's why I say "get out as quick as you can."...Never mind the crying and all that!...Any man or woman that beats on you, does not love you! That's my take of the whole situation. All the abuser wants to do is "control" you, threaten you with his that a way to Live? Definitely, Not.