To give or not to give?

Oooops my bad on the ATM.
No offense, but Oprah does not live in the real world.... she can afford to think differrently.....truth is sometimes we don't do them any favors feeding an alchoholic existence. It is NOT always the right thing to do. There are many addicts just trying to get a fix.....the term 'enabling' comes to mind.

So true.
Oh tracie - you RICHer! heh.

If no one then keep it... if there is someone else and better to ask.
To give instead of to get.

I gave some money to poor family once. My mom donated a lot of pop cans to poor man with his child. We only trust poor families who don't have any home. So, my family sometimes give some money, a few nice items, a bunch of pop cans, etc etc to poor people/families every Christmas.