WaterRats13 said:Heh...that's OK - you're forgiven, fly!![]()
I was confused, too when bbnt kept on insisting he couldn't find it, so I went to look for myself and discovered the same thing -- no place to change the title name and the sorts. :P

WaterRats13 said:Heh...that's OK - you're forgiven, fly!![]()
I was confused, too when bbnt kept on insisting he couldn't find it, so I went to look for myself and discovered the same thing -- no place to change the title name and the sorts. :P
Fly Free said:by all means WaterRats -- please DO
me -- after all i should have checked FIRST prior to my posting what i had posted :Oops: my bad! Waterrats -- maybe u should also have the honor of
my ass as well LOL
WaterRats13 said:OK! **runs to Melbourne, Australia airport and catches the earliest flight to Maryland (which one...Dulles or Ron Reagan Airport closest to you?) and hails a taxi to Fly's place and unveils a giantic whip which she wraps around her hands lovingly and looks for Fly!**
Fly Free said:hahahah Waterrats -- u forgot BWI as well -- any 1 of those 3 airports are just dandy with me as each of them are approx 45 mins from here so makes no differences LOL ill be here waiting!!!!!!
*prepares myself for some discipline* haha
Lasza said:Great news for ADers,
You may change the title name. All you go to Profile then again go to Profile. Find Custom User Text. Just change something that u wish. Then click Submit Modifications. U will be pride of ur own name.![]()