Tips for Reducing Sodium in Your Diet

Found those link

10 Facts about Fluoride

10 Facts about Fluoride

Salt Fact

Salt Facts
Thanks for the very interesting links.

As usual, even the "experts" can't agree with each other. :) Some support fluoride in salt, some are against it.

Interesting how fluoride and iodine in salt conflict with each other.

Also typical how "experts" change their opinions over time. First, they were against fluoride in salt, then they supported it. I wish they would make up their minds!

Of course, a lot of it depends on marketing and profit, not health benefits.

“In the eighties, German dentists did not believe that fluoridated salt could be authorized before the end of the century. Vociferious antifluoridationists, supported by the "Green" party, were opposed to public fluoridation, considering this trace element as being hardly admissable even in dentifrice. However, legislation of the European Union enabled German firms to import fluoridated salt from France. Subsequently, German health authorities could not reject the sale (beginning in 1991) and later the production of fluoridated salt (in 1992). In Germany, it was an important salt factory itself which adopted an active role from the very beginning, sponsoring a public relations agency for distribution of flyers and other materials as well as press releases explaining caries prevention, with a modest focus on fluoridated salt. Since 1992, dental, pediatric and other medical associations, health insurance companies and sick funds have published statements in favour of fluoridated salt or at least its role in comprehensive caries prevention programs. Extrapolation based on the last 6 years (the percentage rate has been steadily rising by 4.5 % each year) would indicate that a 50% market share be attained by 2004." (Marthaler, 2000)
That happens all over the world. Most "health" decisions are really political decisions which are business decisions.
Yes, I has to agree with you on this. We has to limit salt in our bodies... yes, that's right... It's not just salt who cause high blood pressure but fat foods as well but smoking?

I didn't know that smoking cause high blood pressure, too... ? What the doctor says about this?

Which kind of salt you use to cook the meal or on the dinner table? There're many types of salt like herb salt, sea salt, iodine salt, table salt, etc.

:ty: and welcome... :thumb: It's good education for us that we can take care of our healthy.

Well, We use mostly iodized salt which is common here in America like
Reba says. It is a necessary nutrient.
Yes, heavy smoking can cause rise in blood pressure, unfortunately in
my hubby's case but since he has been taking prescription med called
"Chantix" for 2 weeks now, he has not smoked!! Im so proud of him!!
He wanted to quit so bad and he is so happy that he finally found
something that is helping him to quit. Maybe someday he wont have to
take high blood meds if his blood pressure goes down for good. :fingersx:
Somebody invent a very fine mesh to filter out ANY excess sodium. :laugh2:
:applause: Please tell him for me, "Keep up the good work!" :P

Thanks! and i will tell him that!
Also please pray for him too to keep up the
good work too!
I pray all the time for him cuz he wanted to quit
for years but was unable to until this miracle medicine
answered his prayers!
Hes suckin on peppermint candies now...oh well, better
than them killer suckers, lol!
Defee, I keep my finger cross for your hubby... I am sure that he can do it successful...
Tips on Being a Smart Shopper

Read the food label to find out more about what is in the foods you eat

Buy fresh, plain frozen, or canned "with no salt added" vegetables

Choose foods that say:

sodium free
very low sodium
low sodium
reduced (or less) sodium
light in sodium

Tips on Being a Smart Shopper

I have been avoid to buy frozen and canned food lately. I have so much problem with sodium in my body to keep all the fluid. I excerise daily 1/2 hour and 45 mintues. I lost 21 pounds in 6 weeks with Jenny Craig program. I have seen high sodium in the package label. I choice lower sodium and drink alot of warm water with lemon to help rid fluid from my body.

Wow, my ankles look alot better now. I am working on my spare tire stomach. :( My goal to lose 58 lbs more left. It will take me about 32 weeks to focus what I am eating with less sodium food, three fruits and alot of veggies per day. Drink 8 oz of water a day. Walking is VERY important to help your muscle firm when you lose all the pounds.

At least my age, it is more struggle for me to lose like 1 1/2 lbs to 2 lbs per week. Important to think what you eat and excerise daily. When you see your weigh lower number on the scale, it makes you more motivation to lose more weight. It makes you feel good about yourself.

Wishes me alot of good luck to keep motivation.... Right now, I am toooo hectic with move into new condo end of August. I have been extremely busy with work, focus excerise, eat, move, vacation, etc.....

I do excerise daily during my lunch hour on the base. Blessing, I work this base because there is beautiful enviornment to walking on the trail to view the lake and trees, etc...

Looking forward going to N.J. for ten days !! :D Relax in the beach..... Walk around the beach with my mother in law... Think of my husband where his ashes down in the ocean.
I have been avoid to buy frozen and canned food lately. I have so much problem with sodium in my body to keep all the fluid. I excerise daily 1/2 hour and 45 mintues. I lost 21 pounds in 6 weeks with Jenny Craig program. I have seen high sodium in the package label. I choice lower sodium and drink alot of warm water with lemon to help rid fluid from my body.

I know there´re high soduim in canned but frozen? I buy frozen mostly but it didn´t written soduim very much... I alway look back of label before buy them... most is very low soduim to no soduim but I don´t know about soduim level at frozen in America.

wow, you did successful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it positive... It´s great to know that you positive your health...

It´s good to know that Jenny Craig program works on you pretty well... I don´t for any diets but just take health nutrition whatever I like.

Wow, my ankles look alot better now. I am working on my spare tire stomach. :( My goal to lose 58 lbs more left. It will take me about 32 weeks to focus what I am eating with less sodium food, three fruits and alot of veggies per day. Drink 8 oz of water a day. Walking is VERY important to help your muscle firm when you lose all the pounds.

Can I give you my advice?

Please don´t lose your weight fast but take a time....

Very true about 3 fruits a day... I learn about those in Spa resort last year. Eating 3 fruits are being recommendation. It should not more than 3 fruits... You will craving for sweets if you eat more than 3 fruits a day.. It does the same with vegetables as well... Interesting...

Very important to watch how many % fat and soduim then you can limit to eat a day.

Oh yes, plenty of execrise is also very important, too...

At least my age, it is more struggle for me to lose like 1 1/2 lbs to 2 lbs per week. Important to think what you eat and excerise daily. When you see your weigh lower number on the scale, it makes you more motivation to lose more weight. It makes you feel good about yourself.

Exactly... Take a time...

Wishes me alot of good luck to keep motivation.... Right now, I am toooo hectic with move into new condo end of August. I have been extremely busy with work, focus excerise, eat, move, vacation, etc.....

I do excerise daily during my lunch hour on the base. Blessing, I work this base because there is beautiful enviornment to walking on the trail to view the lake and trees, etc...

Looking forward going to N.J. for ten days !! :D Relax in the beach..... Walk around the beach with my mother in law... Think of my husband where his ashes down in the ocean.

You have my support... I wish you best of good luck and keep positive about your health.

Keep update with news.. :thumb:
Can I give you my advice?

Please don´t lose your weight fast but take a time....

Very true about 3 fruits a day... I learn about those in Spa resort last year. Eating 3 fruits are being recommendation. It should not more than 3 fruits... You will craving for sweets if you eat more than 3 fruits a day.. It does the same with vegetables as well... Interesting...

Very important to watch how many % fat and soduim then you can limit to eat a day. Oh yes, plenty of execrise is also very important, too...

Yes, I agree with you, lose weight very very slow to let your body adjustment....

I found a good article:

Slower is Better

The first mistake dieters make is having unrealistic weight loss expectations. The SparkPeople program is set up to help you safely lose between half a pound and two pounds per week. Studies show that individuals who rapidly lose weight are more likely to gain it back. So if you've lost a few pounds this month-excellent! Don't discount that because you see someone on T.V. losing 15 pounds in two weeks.

Everyone is Different

While some people lose a lot of weight in the first few weeks, others might not lose any weight for a few weeks. Although this can be frustrating when you're doing everything right, it's not a reason to give up. Sometimes it just takes a little while longer to see the results of your hard work reflected on the scale. Remember, eating right and exercising regularly have positive impacts on your health in many other ways, such as more energy, less stress, better sleep, and reduced risk of many diseases. You'll receive those benefits-regardless of the number on the scale.

Weight Loss is Rarely Constant from Week to Week

Many people lose a lot in the first few weeks, and then their weight loss slows down considerably. It's totally normal to have weeks when you lose more than expected, and weeks when your weight remains the same despite your consistent efforts. Our bodies are very complicated and don't always cooperate with the estimates of how much we should expect to lose. People rarely lose a consistent amount of weight each week. Measuring your weight loss on a monthly basis can be a more accurate gauge of how well you are doing.

Weight Loss is Not Immediate

Cutting calories today (through diet and exercise) will not necessarily show up on the scale at the end of the day or even by tomorrow. Your weight can fluctuate from day-to-day for reasons that have nothing to do with your diet and exercise program. Much of this fluctuation is due to water and food intake. While your scale may show changes throughout the day, fluctuations that could be due to food & water alone are not permanent weight losses or gains.

Weighing yourself immediately after wearing a "sweat" suit, getting into a sauna, or finishing an intense workout might (or might not) show a loss on the scale. But that is temporary water loss that will come back after you rehydrate yourself by drinking. Remember-you're trying to lose fat, not simply "weight" or water weight.

This is a good reason to not weigh yourself more than once a week. The Fitness Resource Center has several articles that expand on this idea, including Body Composition Measures Results and Measure Progress Without the Scale.

Setbacks Are Normal

No one is perfect. You can expect to hit some bumps in the road, no matter how hard you're trying. The important thing is not to let those bumps get you totally off track, but to learn from them and move forward.

The article "1 Step Back, 2 Steps Forward", located in the Motivation Resource Center, offers tips for dealing with setbacks, and Coach Dean's message board post about staying motivated includes even more helpful advice.

Eating Less Isn't Always Better

A lot of people assume that the less you eat, the faster you will lose. One of the biggest mistakes dieters make is not eating enough. Your calorie range is based on your current weight, goal weight, how aggressive your goal is (whether you want to lose weight quickly or slowly) and how much exercise you are doing. Your recommended calorie range might seem like a lot of food-especially if you are accustomed to fad, restrictive diets. But if your body is not getting enough nutrients and calories (especially if you eat less than your recommended calorie range), your metabolism will slow down. This is called "starvation mode" because your body thinks it is experiencing a famine, so it starts holding onto every calorie you give it, making weight loss much slower or impossible, and weight gain more likely. That's why it's so important to eat within your calorie range. If you aren't, you could be doing more harm than good.
The funny thing is, people used to be encouraged to use salt. Every generation the nutrition "rules" change.

At the beginning of my military career, people were encouraged to carry salt tablets with them when the might be physically exerting hard during the day. Especially before, during, and after physical training, and during the summer.

Some people still use salt tablets.

Salt and the Athlete
Athlete and Sporters need high carbohydrates to provide energy requirement and sports drink with reasonable sodium. They also need to increase the calories, too.