Tinnitus and Hearing loss

Hi all,i'm new here and i need some help and advices...First off all let me intro my self...i lost my hearing before 7 years(i was 20) due to nf2(tumors on hearing nerve:mad:).Let me know some thinks about ci:

how is the quality of the sound?(i mean mechanic,physical?)
what can i expect?
are you satisfied?

Excuse me for my English and for posting in the first available topic i saw:D

Merry X-mass

Are you nerves still usable or were they removed or damaged with the tumors? If you don't have good auditory nerves a CI won't work at all.
:wave: Ozzie,

I have CI myself since recent summer and I LOVE IT!

I understand where you're coming from. I grew up with both hearing aids and always had great left hearing on my left ear - I could talk on the phone, etc...until about 5 years ago. It started tinnitus in my left hearing then I lost my left hearing instantly. It was horrible feeling and frustrated for me. I had to get used to with my right hearing aid for couple of years then last Spring, my right hearing started little tinnitus...I was concerned and didn't want to lose my right hearing.

So, I did research on my own and learned that CI will prevent the tinnitus and it's impossible for you to suffer with tinnitus if you get CI. It is WONDERFUL! It will not affect or lose my CI at all! I suggest and encourage you to do research and ask CI doctor about it.

I chose CI on my right ear because it was better hearing than the left. My left is no good.

If you have any question about CI, feel free to PM me~ :wave:
thank u friend:wave:

unfortunately i lost my hearing in a week...never had hearing probs thats why i m stressed about ci.

happy new year and listen a song for me:lol:

I'm sorry you feeling stressed out. I encourage you to do research with digital hearing aid, CI, etc then make decision on your own.

Don't be discouraged, think positive~ :)
just a note that tinnitus *can* in fact be caused by ci surgery. i had mild tinnitus in my left ear pre-ci, but after both of my ci surgeries, i now have it bilaterally at a mild to moderate degree.
just a note that tinnitus *can* in fact be caused by ci surgery. i had mild tinnitus in my left ear pre-ci, but after both of my ci surgeries, i now have it bilaterally at a mild to moderate degree.

Ditto to what Hear Again said..before CI I didn't knew what was tinnitus...after CI...well I had rather severe tinnitus that scaled down to moderate after activation , but hasn't gone away..yet! Some days it's so mild...and other it's so severe..:lol: I just ignore it for the time being!
Are you nerves still usable or were they removed or damaged with the tumors? If you don't have good auditory nerves a CI won't work at all.

Thank you all for your help :lol:

Faire,my nerves are damaged but not removed...


i tried hearing aids for some days before the complete lost and the sound was very annoying for me:| ...so you can understand


i also have tinnitus,i 'hear' hammers and bells lol

βιβι κανε με add theofilk13@hotmail.com
Faire,my nerves are damaged but not removed.

since this is the case, you may qualify for an abi (auditory brainstem implant). abi's work similarly to a ci except that the brainstem is stimulated instead of the auditory nerve.
I highly doubt that specific frequency stuff matters much. They are starting to implant babies and very young children now. A lot of forced implanting is going on.
I highly doubt that specific frequency stuff matters much. They are starting to implant babies and very young children now. A lot of forced implanting is going on.

where do you get the idea that infants and children are being "forced" to be implanted? obviously an infant cannot make up his/her mind whether or not to be implanted, so they are not being "forced" to do anything. as for children, when they are very young, oftentimes they do not have the capability to fully understand the implications of getting a ci. that's why parents make the decision for them (unless a child is old enough to understand what a ci is and what it does). aside from that, it has been proven that early implantation allows for the greatest success with a ci.
Yes, I do think that it allows the doctors to implant CI any age. The doctors are jerk because they are very hungry for your money.

Many new patients have to pay $400 dollars up front for their first visit to see a doctor to discuss with any issue.
Yes, I do think that it allows the doctors to implant CI any age. The doctors are jerk because they are very hungry for your money.

believe it or not, ci surgeons and hospitals actually lose out monetarily for every ci surgery they perform. in many cases, insurance companies (such as medicaid) do not reimburse the surgeon/hospital for the full cost of surgery. my former ci audi told me that medicaid only reimburses 30% of what a ci surgery is supposed to cost.
believe it or not, ci surgeons and hospitals actually lose out monetarily for every ci surgery they perform. in many cases, insurance companies (such as medicaid) do not reimburse the surgeon/hospital for the full cost of surgery. my former ci audi told me that medicaid only reimburses 30% of what a ci surgery is supposed to cost.

I agree. People with Medicare and Medicaid, the doctors and hospitals do not get the full amount, so instead they just write off the rest of it. Both of my surgeries were $46k each. They would normally cost a lot more than that, but the surgeon and hospital wrote off the rest of it. That's why they jack up the prices to cover the costs that were written off. It's a give and take kind of thing.

Just because someone has tinnitus doesn't mean he/she is qualified for CI. Not every single person with CI has no tinnitus. CI does help "soothe" it or make it go away, but not always. It's all on individuals. For me, my tinnitus went completely away. For the first time in 15 years, I am able to enjoy the silence and lack of migraines due to tinnitus. For others, it helped reduce the frequencies, the sounds, etc.

you brought up a good point about tinnitus not being a factor in ci candidacy (especially since ci surgery can cause tinnitus as it did in my case). the most important factors are speech discrimination and how much benefit one receives from their hearing aids.