Times you Disliked Being Deaf/HOH

Oh my god!!!!!!

It's my grade 6 Christmas play!!!!!!
Recently my son tried to say something to me and because I couldn't hear him he was upset. I felt awful :(
Recently my son tried to say something to me and because I couldn't hear him he was upset. I felt awful :(

My son would get impatient sometimes when I couldn't follow what he was saying and last time he got annoyed, I said "if you get this annoyed in just 5 minutes, imagine what it's like for me dealing with this 24/7. I don't like asking you to repeat yourself any more than you like not being understood and believe me, I wish I can understand you more easily but I just can't and never will. You will just have to accept that as a fact of life. Next time, write it down then we can avoid all this frustration, ok?"
when it get me into trouble! I was outside with my dog ,Marty and he loves to hunt in the bushes ! The other night he was hunting and when I looked down in the bushes I saw some little eyes set a in black and white face looking at us!
Marty heard the skunk warning us , but I did not ! I have to remember that could be an animal in the bushes that I can't hear!! It was a very cute little baby skunk , I am glad it did not spray us!
Various times in my life. I would just wish that I could be completely hearing so that I could be 'normal'. Somehow for a long time in my youth, I equated being able to hear with being smart. I thought I was just deaf and dumb, it didn't help that the kids at school would taunt me about this and constantly remind me.

There was a time I wished I was hearing - when I was married. OMG - It was like I was living with one of my tormentors from school. It was a constant cutting me down because I couldn't hear.

Because of this horrible marriage experience I had, I really don't see myself in a serious relationship ever again.
About the only time I whine about being deakaf is when I am out of HA batteries and need go buy some. :|

I am evil... I often put off buying them. I also do not wear them other than at work where I MUST wear them. Other than that, I take em off, toss em into the ha dryer and breathe a sigh of relief.

The only time I disliked being deaf was before I made deaf friends. After I found deaf friends here on AD and in real life I have learned that deafness is a blessing. A few good friends and some asl. Ohhhh yeah!
I remember i notice it I was 10 yrs reason cause hate something on complaint argue, my friends bully for me crap I told my teacher person don't like me I aware it expert to behavior on study expression, but on something hearing bit hates to me ,I Know!
Game nights
It's difficult to run D&D and Pathfinder games with 4+ people in the room that you have to manage and pay attention to. Being a player is harder though.
More and more these days, I appreciate being deaf. The world is so noisy, between loud people, airplanes, traffic, animals, and just general noise. With my MIL, we have to turn up the volume of the TV as she refuses to read the captioning. She would prefer we turn it off, but my family is relying on it more and more.

Daughter overheard hubby telling son that he wished he was deaf, then he wouldn't have to deal with his mother so much. Daughter wants to experience it for a short time to understand what I go through. We are working on that with noise cancelling earplugs from the Deaf Service Center. Son is learning to adjust to his hearing loss and does not mind it at all. HE says he will miss music more than anything.
Daughter overheard hubby telling son that he wished he was deaf, then he wouldn't have to deal with his mother so much. Daughter wants to experience it for a short time to understand what I go through. We are working on that with noise cancelling earplugs from the Deaf Service Center. Son is learning to adjust to his hearing loss and does not mind it at all. HE says he will miss music more than anything.

Yeah Lee figures he needs to invest in some good ear plugs for when I have the tv or radio on. Either that or I need to hook up my wireless headphones with the personal volume options, if I just could remember where they are.
when I have to do BP's and can't hear squat despite using a stethoscope that is directed to my ha's
I wish I could hear broadcasters on tv and watch games at same time. I miss out so much, ya know. I wish my knowledge of football is higher but Im deaf. Understand what Im saying? I think it's sad but I dont take life serious.

I love being deaf when I am sleeping. I never ever wake up to sounds in my life. :giggle:

I am a great guesser what people are saying to me in public. I have to guess most of time.
Recently my son tried to say something to me and because I couldn't hear him he was upset. I felt awful :(

My granddaughter try to talk when she the back seat of her mother's car and
we keep telling her I can't hear her. I feel awful having to keep saying this to my granddaughter. I know how you feel.
Sometimes I wish I had super power hearing, and eyes on the back of my head... To keep my kids in line.

They used to believe my hearing aids were my super power device to hear things that most people can't......and that I had eyes on the back of my head. Now they are older... :( They do not seem to believe me anymore. :giggle:

If I could hear, you can bet I'd eavesdrop on just about every conservation I come across.
I hated being deaf during school dances and social events like that. I couldn't understand squat because it was usually dark and I couldn't speech read in these conditions. I was constantly like huh? what? I can't understand you, say it again. It would get ridiculous enough that I would just sit on the wall and keep to myself. I quit going to these stupid dances when I sat on the wall the entire night and no one spoke to me. I really got turned off to these things when I was dis-welcomed at my senior prom by a bunch of bullies from my class. They justified it by saying 'well she's deaf, she's not all there, so she didn't understand.' I understood perfectly - they worked together amongst themselves to make sure that I would be publicly embarrassed before they graduated. They made sure that I would have no place to sit at the banquet and one even said I didn't belong there. That hurt - a lot. I left in tears, went to a friends house, ripped off my clothes, washed my make up off, and holed myself up in her spare bedroom for about 3 hours. All because I was different, all because I'm deaf.

That was a time when I hated being deaf.
In junior high, I got a telephone call (this was before cellphones) on a phone just like this one (see attachment).

Turns out it was a girl in my school who had a CRUSH on me!

Butterflies in the stomach, lightheadedness. A GIRL is calling ME! She LIKES me!

So she tells me her name. I can't understand her.

I ask her to repeat. She tells me again.

I can't hear her.

Soon the magic is gone. This budding romance has fled.

She hung up and never called back.

I never found out who it was that called.


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Mostly it was all through my growing up. Now, it's mainly when I have to take MIL on errands. She talks and talks and talks and I only read lips, but not when I am driving. We have been having construction like crazy and rainy weather here and there. I have to pay attention to the road and not her and we tell her over and over and still she doesn't get it.

I hate it when people talk to me when I'm driving. I can't keep track of driving and trying to understand them at the same time. It's a great way for me to park my car in a tree. ;)
mostly when i cant hear the cat purr, and everyone says (cant you hear it....no duh you know I cant woman!) the birds whistling id like too hear nature but other than that my lifes peachy keen, oh and also it would be easier to hear an assassin creeping up on me if I was well hearing.
More and more these days, I appreciate being deaf. The world is so noisy, between loud people, airplanes, traffic, animals, and just general noise. With my MIL, we have to turn up the volume of the TV as she refuses to read the captioning. She would prefer we turn it off, but my family is relying on it more and more.

Daughter overheard hubby telling son that he wished he was deaf, then he wouldn't have to deal with his mother so much. Daughter wants to experience it for a short time to understand what I go through. We are working on that with noise cancelling earplugs from the Deaf Service Center. Son is learning to adjust to his hearing loss and does not mind it at all. HE says he will miss music more than anything.

He will learn to appreciate music in a different way. By feeling it. It sometimes bothers me that I can't appreciate music the way hearies can but then I think about how my unique way of 'listening' to music is pretty neat also.
I dont hate being deaf now. I hate the audists attitudes by society and by certain Aders.