Time machine

I'd go back to the 1780's, or thereabout, during the time which sign language was idolized and meet all the philosophers during that era. That'd be wicked.
Wirelessly posted

I would go to the Egyptian era and stay there. Just enjoy the magic, the awesome culture and tranquil prosperous times.
I'd love to go back to the 60s and experience the grooviness of it all. Or I'd just travel into the future to see what things would be like or what kind of technology we would have in the future. EDIT: I'd probably travel to like... 2500. Or 3000! Or even 4000/5000.
I would go back in time to when King Leonidas led 300 Spartans to deflect the incoming invasion.

Of course, I would bring a tank that could fire TOW missiles with me ;)
I want go back to November 3, 1992.

Macintosh II and dial-up internet. :lol: