Throw your guns in the air !

I do have a weapon... I am my own weapon...
Originally posted by MsGiglz
me either.. not ever want to own one..
even MN law just passed the dumb law.. that you can carry concealed handgun in public.. :|
I've been shooting since I was concieved, there has never been a point in my life where I haven't been near guns. I have never had toy guns, never been allowed to point my finger at someone and say "Bang" my dad would have kicked my ass. We were always responsible. To this day I'm responsible. To this day if I did something the wrong day- at 23 years old -my dad would kick my ass! It's all in training. I'm better prepared than most people upon entering the military!
Grew up in the house with too many weapons. Cuz my family are most hunters. Even my late grandpa trained me how to shot in right way. Enjoyed shot at some wood board. Never kill any animals at all.
Since I live on my own, I sitll not consider to own a gun. In Colorado law, anyone with felony on criminal record may not purchase any guns.
Originally posted by wickedeyed
why'd women want guns? they've got nails.

Good thinking! Wonder if women have GUTS for how to kick the testicles, also. Blend pinky finger (most sensitive one in the hand).
:rofl: pimpy I don't have long nails I have short nails anyways back to this topic.. nope don't have a gun and NEVER want one to deal with anyways cuz guns are dangerous and :crazy: to have for no reason :roll: but to u ADers I'm sure u guys have a reason to own one to protect yourself that's one thing I can't blame u havin one but I don't want one if I see a guy with a gun I wud image bad things to use it with for what? :barf: soo I ain't gonna date guys who have guns ;)
Originally posted by Lasza
In Colorado law, anyone with felony on criminal record may not purchase any guns.

Lasza gurl -- its a federal law not state -- anyone with a felony on their records are NOT allowed to own/apply for guns
I own several hunting rifles. .22s, .308, 22-250, 300 mag, .284, 2 of 30-06, 2 of pump 12 gauge shotguns, one 20 gauge, and one 410 gauge (my first ever rifle).

Handguns, a .45 colt handgun, .44 glock, several .22s, and 3 9mms. Weakest gun would be .25.
I would LOVE to get a handgun. I miss my old job. I loved going to the fire range.