Those who have had speech therapy come in here

Maybe not that weird - the Brits are very clear and crisp with their speech.

Especially the Brit women. Did you notice? In general, I find women a lot easier to lipread than men.
I asked my honey how we say it here (Minnesota). He said its more like "wadder". That's the same as how my speech therapist taught me too.
I'm a Brit :giggle:

Ugh speech therapy, didnt have to learn to say words but My speech therapist at the age of 13 had a serious word with me, she said if i wasnt gunna say my s, ch, or sh properly people arent gunna understand me properly and i wouldnt be able to fix those issues, i just needed to say them myself....... Errr, how about if u dont realise if ur not sayin them, i aint gunna b checkin everytime i speak. Stupid woman.
i will ask my co worker if i remember and will let you know or not about the water.
apparently I say wad-der but Lee says water. Or that's what our friends tell us anyway, I can't hear the difference.