Those who decide not to get a CI

First: I dislike having any foreign objects inside me. It's all creepy for me. *shudddddder* and surgeries.
Second: CI is way too exepensive than HAs.
Third: ASL rocks.

I do not mind HAs, just to hear it for my own distraction.

HA's cost up to $5,000 without insurance covering them.

CI cost me $45,000 but with insurance coverage my out of pocket was $1,400 for the first year of mapping and rehabilitation.
HA's cost up to $5,000 without insurance covering them.

CI cost me $45,000 but with insurance coverage my out of pocket was $1,400 for the first year of mapping and rehabilitation.

True (I had to pay about $2000 out of about $60k).

But being almost six years down the road, the economics start catching up to you. Say I get a new CI which I wouldn't mind doing, it would cost me about $5k including trading one in. And we haven't discussed all the other costs along the way...batteries, microphone covers, and etc. This is one of the reasons I'm considering upgrading, the cost of maintenance goes down (less batteries and two piece coil transmitter/magnet (as it is the wire that breaks down over time)).

Still for all that, it is a no brainer as I can't put a cost on hearing especially all the benefits it has provided me.
CI=Direct threat to the deaf culture.

Imagine if CI became law and mandatory for all children born deaf, can we say bye bye to ASL and deaf culture as a whole?

CI=Direct threat to the deaf culture.

Imagine if CI became law and mandatory for all children born deaf, can we say bye bye to ASL and deaf culture as a whole?


No it is not going to happen that CI won't become law.
No law stating the deaf should be implanted is possible. Reason not all deaf can in actuality be implanted for various health reasons. I have mentioned before the experience of the 18 year period at Sunnybrook/Toronto since being designated by Ontario government to deal with Cochlear Implants. 850 persons implanted and over 60% of persons referred to them rejected for various reasons.This information given at recent patient's meeting by Sunnybrook.They deal with adults only, not babies which are handled by Sick kids Hospital/Toronto.
Thus hard to pass a law to deal with this reality.
The actual cost to OHIP for me was $55,000.00 Cdn 3 years ago. There is no additional charge till the 3 year period has elapsed. Getting the entire external package was $3206.00 which covers for additional 3 years. This is a separate package from Assistive devices program if approved. which picks up $5444.What the costs will be 3 years from now? One can do nothing - pay for repairs as it happens OR insure the external processor only. Your choice. This information is only what happened to me recently.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
CI=Direct threat to the deaf culture.

Imagine if CI became law and mandatory for all children born deaf, can we say bye bye to ASL and deaf culture as a whole?


That is going on in Denmark.... ALL babies that fail hearing test = CI
CI=Direct threat to the deaf culture.

Imagine if CI became law and mandatory for all children born deaf, can we say bye bye to ASL and deaf culture as a whole?


No such law will or should be passed because a CI doesn't provide benefit to enough of the population. I'd be curious of the results in Denmark...if there are any. How long has this been going on there?
That is going on in Denmark.... ALL babies that fail hearing test = CI

And perhaps our Canadian members can tell us more, but I distinctly remember a law passing in Canada that allots more government sponsored services to children whose parents implant than to those that refuse.:cool2:
And perhaps our Canadian members can tell us more, but I distinctly remember a law passing in Canada that allots more government sponsored services to children whose parents implant than to those that refuse.:cool2:

Good question, perhaps somebody may be able to answer that question for you. I haven't looked into that one yet.
That is going on in Denmark.... ALL babies that fail hearing test = CI

I'm not contradicting you, but would you please show reference to this regulation? When you last posted a mention of this a couple of months ago I asked family members who are Danish about it -- while they say that implanting deaf toddlers is now more common than not, they couldn't find evidence that any such law or requirement currently exists in their country and think you might be mistaken.
I'm not contradicting you, but would you please show reference to this regulation? When you last posted a mention of this a couple of months ago I asked family members who are Danish about it -- while they say that implanting deaf toddlers is now more common than not, they couldn't find evidence that any such law or requirement currently exists in their country and think you might be mistaken.

I dont have it on hand, I'll get it.
Health is a provincial matter not federal. Don't recall here in Ontario any action to force a parent to allow an implant on their children over their objections. Basic reason as least for the province-costs! I believe the province would have to get a court order to do anything like that and show that the Charter of Rights can be over ridden. The usual matter is blood transfusion for children near death without it.
I also don't recall any other province passing laws on Cochlear Implants.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Health is a provincial matter not federal. Don't recall here in Ontario any action to force a parent to allow an implant on their children over their objections. Basic reason as least for the province-costs! I believe the province would have to get a court order to do anything like that and show that the Charter of Rights can be over ridden. The usual matter is blood transfusion for children near death without it.
I also don't recall any other province passing laws on Cochlear Implants.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Go back and read my post. I didn't mention a thing about force. No, what I am speaking of is more like bribery and taking advantage of parental fears. Still completely unethical and an underhanded way of "strongly encouraging" hearing parents to decide for the surgery.:cool2: Emotional manipulation also comes to mind.
CI=Direct threat to the deaf culture.

Imagine if CI became law and mandatory for all children born deaf, can we say bye bye to ASL and deaf culture as a whole?


If so, then we will end up with so many CI users with screwed up language and thinking skills becuase it does not work for every child.
Jillio: why would the Ontario government-OHIP(Ontario Health Insurance plan) be bribing parents considering the huge costs of operation/implant etc in excess of $50.000- they have to fund? Doesn't make any sense except in your distorted imagination! Even more to the point if any Ontario parent bought the "cultural deafness" theory why would they be discussing with anyone what they are doing as a parent? I have raised this point before-with no response from you-why? Remember "they"OHIP? would have to go to a court and get such an order-so far NO such case has been reported. I not sure what state you reside where your
hypothesis is an actual fact?
Shel you are correct a Cochlear Implant doesn't work on everybody-unfortunately. That is why there will NEVER be law so mandating.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Jillio: why would the Ontario government-OHIP(Ontario Health Insurance plan) be bribing parents considering the huge costs of operation/implant etc in excess of $50.000- they have to fund? Doesn't make any sense except in your distorted imagination! Even more to the point if any Ontario parent bought the "cultural deafness" theory why would they be discussing with anyone what they are doing as a parent? I have raised this point before-with no response from you-why? Remember "they"OHIP? would have to go to a court and get such an order-so far NO such case has been reported. I not sure what state you reside where your
hypothesis is an actual fact?
Shel you are correct a Cochlear Implant doesn't work on everybody-unfortunately. That is why there will NEVER be law so mandating.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
You're right. I even compared a CI to a pace maker. People are so willing to drop some coin for a CI. It's crazy how the system is set up - Look around, why is a set of hearing aids more expensive than CI's for one on insurance? Hell, even maintenance of the CI is much more expensive than hearing aids.

Its just absurd.
Jillio: why would the Ontario government-OHIP(Ontario Health Insurance plan) be bribing parents considering the huge costs of operation/implant etc in excess of $50.000- they have to fund? Doesn't make any sense except in your distorted imagination! Even more to the point if any Ontario parent bought the "cultural deafness" theory why would they be discussing with anyone what they are doing as a parent? I have raised this point before-with no response from you-why? Remember "they"OHIP? would have to go to a court and get such an order-so far NO such case has been reported. I not sure what state you reside where your
hypothesis is an actual fact?
Shel you are correct a Cochlear Implant doesn't work on everybody-unfortunately. That is why there will NEVER be law so mandating.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Functioning under the mistaken assumption that while initial cost may be greater, the social and educational costs over the persons lifetime will be less and therefore, it is more cost efficient to the government in the long run.
Really: factoring the high cost of "deaf education" with the decrease persons requiring this specialized service? In the night high school was in recently_Danforth- there is a class for the deaf/hearing impaired. It has 5 now and will be closing in 2 years. That is reality! This is discussed in Michael Chorost's book Rebuilt.
A Cochlear Implant is a bit different than a pacemaker and far more complicated-to my understanding. No sure the insurance on a pair Hearing aids VS Cochlear Implants. No comment. A complete replacement of the external package is just over $8650.00 CDN (Aug 2010)which covers one for 3 years. Reasonable?
Amusing for you to be "concerned" about implants considering you don't want one. Have you checked out the costs of prosthetic legs yet?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

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