Those who decide not to get a CI

I have said no to CI's because I was tired of surgeries. I am revisiting the issue after talking to a few people with CIs at NSAD

Yeah, I think it switched from private to public. When I first enrolled it was private, but all my professors are now saying its public. So I am not sure exactly. I cannot say for certain really.
I enjoyed my graduate years. Just me and my hearing aid. What university were you in that had over 40,000 students? Public or private? I'm assuming it is a public university you went. Arizona State University, Ohio State University, University of Central Florida, University of Minnesota, University of Texas at Austin, University of Florida, Texas A&M University, Michigan State University, University of South Florida or Pennsylvania State University? Those are the universities with over 40,000 students.

If you are going to post here, I appreciate your answer why you are not getting a CI
First: I dislike having any foreign objects inside me. It's all creepy for me. *shudddddder* and surgeries.
Second: CI is way too exepensive than HAs.
Third: ASL rocks.

I do not mind HAs, just to hear it for my own distraction.
My reason for not implanting my son was that there was a solution available that was non-invasive. Bi-bi home and school. It was my responsibility as a parent to adapt to his needs rather than forcing him to adapt to mine.

As an adult, he is still not implanted. His reasoning now is that he does not see how a CI could improve his life at all. He is well satisfied with his life.
If one wants to remain in silence and use ASL etc-one's life choice as their reason for NOT getting a Cochlear Implant. Assuming of course one fits the criteria of getting one. Contingent of the number of non using ASL persons one meets/interacts within their social/work environment.Of course if one has an interpreter can be a help in this situation. As mentioned another group of persons-Trappist monks/hermits seem to live in a "silent world"

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07.
I find the comparison of Trappist monks to the deaf individual to be very complimentary. They are far more evolved, due to their spiritual journey, than the majority of the world. The deaf, as well, are far more evolved in many ways, as a result of the historical oppression they have endured.
After being late-deafened (profound), in my early teens, Yes, I wanted to opt for the CI. ...However, now after multiple surgeries and another surgery coming up, I'm not qualified. Life is too short to dwell on what could have been to rectifiy and correct the mistake the surgeon made on my ears. I've come to terms with my deafness.
As to the hypothesis of the "deaf" being similar to Trappists monks- myself being deaf- I have no comment. I have read some of Thomas Merton books-he didn't mention the "deaf". They DO speak- only in prayers/Mass service.
"Historical oppression of the deaf" perhaps larger society was unable to deal what- how to "assist the deaf". Devices-hearing aids/cochlear Implants- haven't been invented yet! How many persons were deaf-back then?
Also, not much "teaching" was done then either-no "public schools". Perhaps we are fortunate we live in these times then- say back to those a couple of hundred years ago.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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I have the CI now but when I was a toddler, my mom decided against it because, at the time, it was too experimental and risky. She didn't think it was worth it. Then it came up again when I was about 12 or 13. I said no because 1) It's surgery! 2) They will shave half of my head! 3) I was perfectly fine the way I was. Now I got it because I have very good insurance and thought "hmmm why not?". Thought it would be cool. Happy with it.
As an adult, he is still not implanted. His reasoning now is that he does not see how a CI could improve his life at all. He is well satisfied with his life.

That's what I see in myself that I am satisfied with my life without a CI. I suppose that I am a 70's dudette who loves mellow and peace. LOL :rockon:
If one wants to remain in silence and use ASL etc-one's life choice as their reason for NOT getting a Cochlear Implant. Assuming of course one fits the criteria of getting one. Contingent of the number of non using ASL persons one meets/interacts within their social/work environment.Of course if one has an interpreter can be a help in this situation. As mentioned another group of persons-Trappist monks/hermits seem to live in a "silent world"

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07.

useless and worthless post. keep it up. :thumb:
Is it because you are waiting for more advanced technologies or treatment?

It seem like this is the common reason why people decide not to get a CI, including my older sister.

I am waiting for advanced technology - MEM-based. Until then... ASL and HA.
I am waiting for advanced technology - MEM-based. Until then... ASL and HA.

of course I am going for the advanced technology HA and ASL. HA is just thing that would not be a "foreign object" inisde me. ;) at jiro :giggle:
As to the hypothesis of the "deaf" being similar to Trappists monks- myself being deaf- I have no comment. I have read some of Thomas Merton books-he didn't mention the "deaf".
"Historical oppression of the deaf" perhaps larger society was unable to deal what- how to "assist the deaf". Devices-hearing aids/cochlear Implants- haven't been invented yet!Also, not much "teaching" was done than either-no "public schools". Perhaps we are fortunate we live in these times- now say to those a couple of hundred years ago.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Ask yourself, who invented them and for what purpose?
Jiro: not getting a Cochlear Implant is something OTHER than a personal life choice--what is the alternate consideration? Excluding the possibility of being "unsuitable-medical wise".

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07