First off, the question itself is rude and too personal to be asking on a public forum. Secondly, cash benefits in the form of a check are not the only benefits available through SSI. Tuition costs, job training costs, accommodation costs, etc. that are paid for a recipient are also considered to be benefits and are included in amounts received.
The majority of SSI recipients do not abuse the system. They use it as intended: to be an assistance in a time of need that allows them to become self sufficient.
I should quit my job and collect SSDI so I can have more quality time with my family.
however many dont realize to get SSD, you need to have worked into the system for 10 years or more. Otherwise you will need to go on SSI.
you are wrong!! need to worked for 4 to 7 yrs receive SSDI/SSI since i was approved last tuesday. I really so happy that I will get $941! Never Give up and Good Luck!
Never give up what? Is this temporary for you or are you disabled....physically, that is?
I am sure you were kidding. Hope so anyway.
Yea, I am but with the way the audists are having their way with deaf schools, I could be out of a job in the near future.
I hope not!! For a teacher to feel they can do their job, they have to be dedicated and you can't find a more dedicated bunch of people than teachers. Thay have to put up with what the child's own family won't or can't.
duh! I'm disable!
I have to tell you my personal SSI. My personal SSI income is the highest of all. I earn $0.00 every month, because I work.
I get paid 4x more than SSI.
Yea, I am but with the way the audists are having their way with deaf schools, I could be out of a job in the near future.
What I mean is that with the CI movement, there is more pressure to put deaf children in oral only educational settings which can put deaf teachers out of jobs in the near future unless they have CIs or are oral themselves. Yes, I have good oral skills but I have no interest in oral-only deaf ed because of what it represents.
Physically? As in not ABLE to work? You don't have to answer but I'm asking....
yeah I can't find any job cause it's hard to find a job out there anyway, are you going to apply for SSI/SSDI?