Our daffodils bloomed a couple weeks ago. Now our forsythia bushes and red bud trees are blooming. Our azaleas and flowering cherry tree are beginng to bloom. The oak and gum trees are budding.
I've seen robins, blue birds, and gold finches return. The chickadees built a nest in our bird house.
The surest sign of Spring in our area is all the motorcyclists who are riding, singly and in groups.
It has been raining here for most of the night and forcast is rain for next 2 days. I think that is a good sign. I may be mistaken cause this is my first spring here.
You would hate my horses...lol, they have no hair.. slick slick coats! HAHA
I can't wait to start working in the yard! Though, its gunna have to wait until I find another house. Don't want to waste my gardening on a house I'm not going to stay at..