This IS one of the worst I've seen....


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Jun 4, 2004
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I'm not going to post any pictures because it will cause you feel sick or really cry out. It made me really sick....

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- One animal control officer calls it the worst case of animal cruelty she has ever seen.

Judith Ann Lawson was jailed under suspicion of 20 counts of felony animal cruelty after animal control officers found 20 Persian cats locked up in cages inside the garage of her home.

The animals were found living in filth. Feces covered their bodies. In some cases, the weight of the hardened waste pieces had caused their heavily-matted fur to tear right off of their bodies.

One of the cats was found covered with open and infected sores. The cat also had a broken tail and severe respiratory problems that affected its breathing.

Erika Ellenbecker with animal control says this is animal cruelty at its worst.

"When I asked her how long the cats have been in the room, she said about six years," she said. "This is the worst I've seen."

Lawson's neighbors said they never suspected any of it was going on. Neighbors said Lawson moved into the quiet neighborhood seven years ago and has mostly kept to her self.

"She was very private," said Sandy McCaig.

According to prosecutors, Lawson, a 64-year-old former cat breeder, kept the blinds to her house closed and the garage door sealed. Such measures kept the strong smell of cat urine from escaping from the garage and alerting the neighbors.

On Wednesday a contractor working inside the home discovered the cats stuffed into crates stacked inside the unventilated garage. He took photos of his findings and called police, prosecutors said.

The crates were being taken away for evidence and the cats were taken to animal hospital.

Veterinarians do not yet know how many of the animals will be able to recover.
w...t....f....... Seq - can you PM me for link to pix? I'm going to try to muster up a courage to look at it. I never watch Animal Police because it's too revolting.
That is very sad. We had one in Iowa recently where an old lady breeder had about 200 in very bad condition. They are trying to get homes now for the ones they were able to save. I think pretty much they are adopted.
w...t....f....... Seq - can you PM me for link to pix? I'm going to try to muster up a courage to look at it. I never watch Animal Police because it's too revolting.

Put a sentence from the article in Google and it will show you the link with the picture. :barf:

Bless this contractor worker for reporting this animal cruelty case.
You are right it is disgusting... why put them in cage? this is WRONG! I felt bad for the cats. :(
That reminds me - I bought "Thanking the Monkey" yesterday and in it, there was a picture of dogs crammed in cages in China. One of the dogs is a German Sherpard.

Oh yeah I have heard of hoarders. There is something wrong with their minds so they hang onto the pets (cats or dogs or birds). They think they are helping the pets but they don't see that they aren't. Usually older people.
sad one! clearly , that person need to be attention or need get some help..

but too bad taht person is in jailed for that.. rme!
I'm not going to post any pictures because it will cause you feel sick or really cry out. It made me really sick....

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- One animal control officer calls it the worst case of animal cruelty she has ever seen.

Judith Ann Lawson was jailed under suspicion of 20 counts of felony animal cruelty after animal control officers found 20 Persian cats locked up in cages inside the garage of her home.

The animals were found living in filth. Feces covered their bodies. In some cases, the weight of the hardened waste pieces had caused their heavily-matted fur to tear right off of their bodies.

One of the cats was found covered with open and infected sores. The cat also had a broken tail and severe respiratory problems that affected its breathing.

Erika Ellenbecker with animal control says this is animal cruelty at its worst.

"When I asked her how long the cats have been in the room, she said about six years," she said. "This is the worst I've seen."

Lawson's neighbors said they never suspected any of it was going on. Neighbors said Lawson moved into the quiet neighborhood seven years ago and has mostly kept to her self.

"She was very private," said Sandy McCaig.

According to prosecutors, Lawson, a 64-year-old former cat breeder, kept the blinds to her house closed and the garage door sealed. Such measures kept the strong smell of cat urine from escaping from the garage and alerting the neighbors.

On Wednesday a contractor working inside the home discovered the cats stuffed into crates stacked inside the unventilated garage. He took photos of his findings and called police, prosecutors said.

The crates were being taken away for evidence and the cats were taken to animal hospital.

Veterinarians do not yet know how many of the animals will be able to recover.

Thank you for not posting some pictures here. It's a good idea for some ADers to PM you to request for a link if, they want to see some pictures. I know some ADers are very sensitive about the pictures they do not wish to see.

I am glad they took the cats away. That woman shouldn't have those cats, if she treated them so bad like this situation. She shouldn't have those cats in the first place. In another word, she is reaaaallly crass bec, this will put her in jail for cruelty via abuse for mistreatment.

I am glad it is over........ poor cats !
sounds like animal hoarding syndrome or something - just like that lady with over 200 pets.
Yeah, she is one sick woman. I have 4 cats and can't stand the smell from them and they are free roaming. Gross
There are animal hoarders who don't fix the pets and let them breed out of control. Some of their houses are also really messy so the animals hide and don't interact much with people so they go feral. I saw this many times on Animal Cops.
Too many people are like that out there, there gots to be much more stricter law against them. A slap on their hands or a hefty fine? I'm sure there are laws does penalized them much more but sometimes I don't think it's enough
One time I watched the animal cop in Mich and they found over 200 cats and they had to put them all to sleep. They have been living in the house and the owner was living in the garage. So sad to see something like that. Even found dead cats outside.

There are too many horders out there. It need to stop.
Yeah, I remember human society found there were almost 1,000 rats in his home....most of them were put to sleep and less than 50 of them were put up for adoption. It happened in Petaluma, California in his apartment.