This is for the Vegans.. GM Soybeans found to cause some problems in hamsters

If someone eat chicken and fish they're not Semi-Vegetarian, you can't be half Vegetarian! I do not call myself a Semi-Vegetarian and I not eat beef or pork ! That like saying you're half pregnant! When I was Vegetarian I did not not eat any meat or fish. And I did not wear leather . I had a had time buying things not made of leather ! I went to a store and told a sale lady I wanted gloves , and said "I did not want any leather ones!" She came back with leather gloves , and I said again " I did not want leather gloves !" and the sale lady said " But there are lined with rabbit fur!" I was so upset, the stupid woman was trying to sell me leather gloves with rabbit fur when I told her I did not want leather gloves! People really did not get this in the 60's! I was really into be a Vegetarian!

Nothing but vegetables, and wheat products. You would be considered a Vegan.

Not Semi- Vegetarian

I have a friend that is vegetarian, but she eats dairy products, like cheese, drinks milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, and anything dairy. PLUS vegetables, and grain products. NO MEAT, she abhors the idea of animals dying or being hurt. She is a PETA supporter also, to a point. ( She thinks the organisation can find better ways to do things to get a point across.)

She is considered a Lacto- Vegetarian.

I am not saying this because I am be all know it all. I'm saying this because I am learning about Nutrition and I had to do a Case Study report regarding this one thing. The types of Vegetarianisms there are.

Hell....I am okay with people and their choices, don't have to like it, don't have to tell them not to do it, it's their choice if they choose to do it.

Who cares what others think if you eat no meat? It's your choice. I even found a Mypyramid for vegetarians too, from the USDA themselves. They worry about vegetarians not getting enough nutrients that is needed (that meat provides) so they offer other tips for foods (not animal meat) that is rich in those nutrients. Like Iron, protein, zinc, Vit. B12 and so on. - United States Department of Agriculture - Home

Some of this information come from Organisations that support Vegetarianism because it is a healthy diet, providing you plan carefully. Some come from my college book.

Vegetarian Diets

Vegetarian Diets

What's a Vegan, Vegetarian, Fruitarian?: Deciphering the Various Forms of Meatless Diets Available Today

Vegetarian Frequently Asked Questions -Definitions

Source- College Book:

Nutrition Fourth Edition, Published by Jones and Bartlett Publishers; Sudbury, Massachusetts; Combined Authors: Paul Insel, Standford University; Don Ross, California Institute of Human Nutrition; Kimberly McMahon, Utah State University; and Melissa Bernstein, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science.

Will say one thing: Straight up, vegetarians are the healthiest people when it comes to health as long as they get all they need for nutrients.
I couldn't do a vegan diet. Animals are just to dang tasty to me. But for health reasons I have cut meat out of two days a week. Damn cholesterol problems in my family.
I couldn't do a vegan diet. Animals are just to dang tasty to me. But for health reasons I have cut meat out of two days a week. Damn cholesterol problems in my family.

Have you seen a nutritionist yet?

Instead of a whoppin 1 pound porterhouse steak :drool:

you get with a 5 oz filet mignon. :ugh:

Believe me....I feel your pain. Had to cut back on meat too. :tears:
I bet the problem is entirely related to the high amount of herbicides used in conjunction with GMO soybeans. If you watch the movie "Food Inc" you can see how Monsanto has basically cornered the soybean market using coercive and intimidating (but somehow legal???) practices. If you're eating non-organic soybeans, you're most likely eating Monsanto beans, which are most likely loaded with poisonous chemicals. No thanks.

BTW, there are two kinds of GM: Selective breeding, which has been going on for thousands of years, is a natural form of genetic modification and only speeds up a natural process that could have been achieved by nature. The GM that is causing all the problems now is done in a laboratory with scientists splicing genes together from completely unrelated plants and species (like taking a gene from an arctic fish and inserting it into a broccoli genome so that the broccoli becomes more resistant to cold weather). That is just not right, and it's not what nature intended.

We are literally starting to reap what we've sown.

And for the record, I think veganism is just plain silly. Human beings have evolved over millions of years to eat meat and animal products. You can make a vegan diet work, sure, but IMO a good balanced diet with a little meat and all natural/organically sourced foods is far easier to maintain and more enjoyable. Most vegans I've known deal with a lot of stress as a result of their lifestyle and dietary choice.
What would be good ways to know what is and what isn't genetically modified?

Since the FDA stated that GM products aren't mandatory to be labeled, the only way is to look for the alternative method. Non gene-modified plant produce are usually advertised as organically grown.

Another easier way is to just shop at stores that don't stock GM products. (Ie, Trader Joes, Whole Foods, Local Farmer's market or equivalent, etc)
"USDA Organic" be definition means the item isn't genetically modified; also oftentimes you can see "non-GMO soy" or "not genetically engineered" on the packaging. Also things like "no growth hormones" "Rbgh-free" and the like.
But it's important to read the labeling/ingredient panel and not be taken in by pretty pictures and "quick-glance" nutrition figures or phrases like "high-fiber" printed in the front of the package, where people immediately first look and don't look anywhere else.
I bet the problem is entirely related to the high amount of herbicides used in conjunction with GMO soybeans. If you watch the movie "Food Inc" you can see how Monsanto has basically cornered the soybean market using coercive and intimidating (but somehow legal???) practices. If you're eating non-organic soybeans, you're most likely eating Monsanto beans, which are most likely loaded with poisonous chemicals. No thanks.

BTW, there are two kinds of GM: Selective breeding, which has been going on for thousands of years, is a natural form of genetic modification and only speeds up a natural process that could have been achieved by nature. The GM that is causing all the problems now is done in a laboratory with scientists splicing genes together from completely unrelated plants and species (like taking a gene from an arctic fish and inserting it into a broccoli genome so that the broccoli becomes more resistant to cold weather). That is just not right, and it's not what nature intended.
We are literally starting to reap what we've sown.

And for the record, I think veganism is just plain silly. Human beings have evolved over millions of years to eat meat and animal products. You can make a vegan diet work, sure, but IMO a good balanced diet with a little meat and all natural/organically sourced foods is far easier to maintain and more enjoyable. Most vegans I've known deal with a lot of stress as a result of their lifestyle and dietary choice. brings to mind that what nature doesn't intend, evolution does.

The scientists are just speeding up the process of evolution. Bad, Bad, Bad.