This is for Bottesini...

Happy Birthday to both Bottesini and Sosie! Enjoy your day! :wave:

You don't look a day over 50 Botti~ :)

:laugh2: Good day so far. Out to lunch with my younger daughter, her husband, my granddaughter and my husband.

Received a new video game and ultrasound pictures of my second grandchild who is due in April. It is officially declared a girl!:)

Now preparing for tonight's big party! Exhausted already.

Thanks again to all for your birthday wishes.:)
hoppity happy birthday to you dear friend.

(and I guess that means I'll be having a boy).

Exhausted already? Hey don't let old age sneak up on ya! :giggle:

Happy Birthday!
Thanks to you all. I had a great birthday with lots of family time.

Tonight had a dinner and we were teaching my granddaughter the signs, "elf", "fairy" and "dragon." Elf caught her imagination most, but she looked more like a gladiator with a sword as she did not quite catch on to the sweeping cape motion, and ended up with a right "E" hand outstretched full length.

But a great time was had by all.:)

Hope you'll have a wonderful birthday!! :)
How cool is this? My birthday is over, Thanksgiving dinner is over, but the messages still flow in.

It was a great birthday.:)
Happy Birthday Botts and Sosie! :bday:

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