This is bullshit

I am drinking a Smirnoff ice now cuz I worked 10 hours each day this week so I deserve it!!! LOL!

If I am buzzed, I wont go on AD cuz I dont want to say or type anything that is offensive to anyone. :giggle:
Non-drinker 6 1/2 years
liked Sierra Pale Ale
old days was Hieneken and a Tanqueray Gin-Grapefruit Juice. Smooth.
Try pour the vodka on the bread, and eat it. 2 wet vodka bread = floor.
I've never had a sip of anything in my life so I know absolutely nothing when it comes to drinks. o:
What did you do, slam the whole bottle? If ya get it in you fast and all at once, of course you'll be one sloppy son'buck!
Anchor Steam best beer. Verry strong too.
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale another
Good ol Hieneken
Never got around to mixinig an anchor Steam and a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.....I think it would make the perfect beer. Someday
Shmirnoff vodka cooler, just enough to make me tipsy, hate being drunk. What is this about vodka poured on bread?? Curious, but don't wanna hit the floor, so will pass!
Shmirnoff vodka cooler, just enough to make me tipsy, hate being drunk. What is this about vodka poured on bread?? Curious, but don't wanna hit the floor, so will pass!

I never heard of that it good?

yea, I hate the feeling of being drunk. Being out of control like that is definitely not a good feeling!
I like that feeling of when you're drinking and all of your muscles just start feeling like Jello. Thats a nice feeling, you've finally relaxed and not so tense.

But I hate it when you don't feel that tipsy yet your stumbling all over the place like an idiot, lol.
i like fruity things! my favorite is probably a mai tai :P

but i love doing a few shots with my girls!