Third Grade Students busted for smoking marijuana

Not recommended, really damage is done, punishment will not undo the damage. What I would do is educate my son the danger of Marijuana which I already did. He knows I smoke from time to time and I told him that I regretted trying it but I love it. I will be extremely disappoint in him if he does before 21 years old. After that I don't give a damn. I even warned him if he gets that first taste, they won't be his last joint, or even brownies, and other edible ones

The best parents could do is share with young about the danger of drugs. Be open, show respect and show that you care about their future. You could explain your experience with them. They (Kids) wii be likely to honor parents request that is realistic, for example, please wait until 21, because your mind won't be mature until 21, so after that the less damage it will be (It is fact). Show your kids that you don't own them, and let them know that you can't watch them 24/7. kids will likely to think, oh my parents know what they are talking about, and I don't like the idea of betray trust with them. Bottom line, it is all about respect.

For me, all my childhood, I did actually thought I will never turn into adult, because I was in military style in school. Just follow the order or else. Later I realize that I grew up and had some regrets. This includes first experience with Cannabis, I wish I know this shut, and I would have avoided and may never smoke weeds and likely to have deep fear in them.

Because of that, I knew it is harmless at most, it gave me control on my ADHD. I was able to slow myself down, less prone to panic toward any incident that I may not like, for example getting parking ticket in the mail!

Now you see the value of education when it comes to danger of these mind altering chemical.

Yes, my parent was strict and they harshly punished my sister so what happen? She ran away and stole my parent's car. She made a big destruction to her room and failed the school. She was so beast and stubborn.
Easy enough to take from your parents' stash.....

True that...and blame that on irresponsible parents!...Same thing with alcohol..leaving it out in "plain sight"...or parents toking/or drinking in front of their kids..."Not practicing what they preach"....:hmm:
It really depends on where, when, right person involved falls in, it will run its course. This is reason why it is best to educate your kids because that right date, right person and right location, without knowledge… its done.

I started educating my daughter who will be 17 next week about it when she was in late 5th grade and so far, no problems with her in high school except for being a smart mouth.

I plan on doing the same for my son when he is in the 5th grade. We already talked to him about smoking being bad so he knows about that.
i burned my first fatty in third grade.
no the sky did not fall, and is not falling. no need to run to the hills either.
why the hell is this even news.
Because to a lot of us it's way too young.

I think later the better. Starting too young can affect bodies that are still growing.
Ban or legal, kids still get drug from third-party. lol lol lol
Does this kid have older siblings? Might not be hard to find free weed if he can just go look under the socks.
Easy enough to take from your parents' stash.....

Most of the time, thats not the case. Kids like myself generally dont want our parents to know and taking from them increases chances of getting caught. No thanks.

I sat down with my oldest son, he knows about me, i explained to him that the chances are he will love it, and asked him to do me favor, please wait til after 21 yrs old, explained why and explained to him how much i regretted. Once get there, its done. It does not mean become addicted but chances are will smoke or eat again anyway. Body developed tolerances. When smoke at age like me, does increase tolerate and dont get hallacuate at all. So, best wait after 21 then one knows their body and their limitations.

Education is the key.
No, parents won't know if young kids smoke, except for smell - may blame from secondhand smoking when they went in smoking zone.

Don't be too sure of yourself. There's been plenty of cases of parents forcing beer on infants and supplying them with weed for "kicks." The ERs see more than their share of children that have "accidentally" OD on weed or Cocaine...they're not buying this on the corner of Sesame Street....

They'll let anyone breed in this country, including idiots.

Very true, yes there are parents like that and i dont approve that. This is the worst thing could happen to their kids.

However majority of kids getting drugs were though peers. I got em though peers like most of my friends.

Don't be too sure of yourself. There's been plenty of cases of parents forcing beer on infants and supplying them with weed for "kicks." The ERs see more than their share of children that have "accidentally" OD on weed or Cocaine...they're not buying this on the corner of Sesame Street....

They'll let anyone breed in this country, including idiots.

how the hell do you OD on weed laura?
wonder how many deaths are weed ods?
Wow good catch! Ur right, it is virtually impossible to be od on weeds. Cocaine yes, for sure. I cant recall somewhere, in order to od with weeds, one would need at least 600 pounds of werds within an hour to be overdosed. So, what are the chances of somebody smoke or eat 600 lbs?
how the hell do you OD on weed laura?
wonder how many deaths are weed ods?
Please study how alcohol became prohibitation, study the real side effect, exact what happened and so, and why alcohol became legalized.

The truth is ban drugs, who is going to win? Its illegal drug seller! Period! They got nothing to lose but gain billions of dollars in their pocket and they dont care who they sell dope to. With alcohol legalized, it made even difficult for minor to access them because seller dont want lose millions dollars license.
I have seen them, dont forget i do smoke weeds for almost 40 years on and off. I know this shit too well. Ban proved to be utterly failure. U see i was in third grade and got weeds though my peers. I am not going to elaborate how i did... but the truth is, its much easier to get them when they are banned. Ask hoichi, he was inside prison, ask him which is easier to get dope, imside or outside. U will be shocked to find the answer.

This is one of many reasons why pot should not be legalized. Man and his so called "wisdom"!