Think u have seen it before or not!



Though u guys might like to see this one... kind of interesting to know!!

So try this ok? It is fun to learn that don't we all???

Femail or Shemale

Have fun!

I had 8 wrong out of 16! Blah! Hard to tell, man!
12/16....Not bad. Little hard to tell without their hands or feet, LOL.

Fun quiz! :thumb:
12/16 which means I get 4 wrongs lol .. fun here. It is Challenging!
I got 12 out of 16. At least it was not that bad but yeah some of the pictures looked so similiar.
13 out of 16--not bad. I can tell most of time by jaw line. Reminds me of Maury Povich shows when he always had those shemale/female models parade around and get the audience to guess which sex gender.
LOL!!! Seem u guys like it cuz of challenage!! I know me too I like that.... never know if there are shemale could be very well be males or even just female!! Oh boy that is going to be very tough one in real life if u know my meaning!

Glad u had good time with that game!! It was really interesting tho, doesn't it?
8/16 :eek3: geez Im glad Im married now....I might not be able to tell between chicks and chicks with dicks.