Are you talking about Las Vegas, Nevada? Who are they don't pay taxes in Las Vegas? The Natives or the Whites???? I don't understand the question.
When band members or tribal members live on the reservations (USA) or First Nation Reserves (Canada), they do not need to pay taxes on their reservation. If they live outside of the reservations like Urban Indians in big cities, then they have no choice but pay taxes like everybody else in the big cities.
The reason why the Natives don't pay taxes is because the immigrants, when they came to our shores, wanted to do their ways instead of our ways. The immigrants forced us to be separate us from them and the Natives wanted them to respected us as people and also respected our Turtle Island (USA). This is our land and we have been here for million of years. Our Buffaloes and our wild animals have roamed for million of years, too. But the Europeans or immigrants destroyed our Turtle Island. We were so devastated by what the immigrants done to us and our lands. So the government tried to make agreement with the treaties and honor our treaties. Some of the treaties were broken while other treaties that we tried to keep by not broken. So we had a hard time with treaties that many government and settlers tried to break them to get what they want.
This is why we need our own sovereigns as our self governments in our own reservations and our First Nation reserves. We can make decisions with the Chief and his councilors on what we need to do to improve and to make our lives better. The FBI or any government agencies tries to interfere our rules or laws, then they have no business to be in the reservation at all. It is the same with Corporations trying to take lands from us so they can make money off from our lands like the Black Hills.