There should be a captioning law on Netflix and other live streaming sites.


New Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Hello how can i contact my congressman i think theyre should be laws you must have captions or subtitles on all live streaming devices including in Movie theaters. Failure to comply would mean $10,000 a day fine for each day its not installed. Just like Airlines face fines when they dont comply to FAA regalations
LOL im a big Five-O fan. Cant bust people if theyre not breaking the law. There no federal guidlines that Netflix,Hulu and VUDO must comply. I like to see the FCC enforce this. Means ether pay $10,000 fine a day or revoke their license.
I looked through the new "Rules" of CVAA and could not understand the legalese enough to figure out if Netflix & Hulu are covered or not. Original draft looked like they were exempt, but new rules make it less clear. I am waiting for articles to explain the new rules better.
I looked through the new "Rules" of CVAA and could not understand the legalese enough to figure out if Netflix & Hulu are covered or not. Original draft looked like they were exempt, but new rules make it less clear. I am waiting for articles to explain the new rules better.
The rules repeatedly mention video programming so I believe it includes streaming video as well.
Hello how can i contact my congressman i think theyre should be laws you must have captions or subtitles on all live streaming devices including in Movie theaters. Failure to comply would mean $10,000 a day fine for each day its not installed. Just like Airlines face fines when they dont comply to FAA regalations
Lots of political activists are already working on something exactly like this :)
Hello how can i contact my congressman i think theyre should be laws you must have captions or subtitles on all live streaming devices including in Movie theaters. Failure to comply would mean $10,000 a day fine for each day its not installed. Just like Airlines face fines when they dont comply to FAA regalations

I totally agree! It's ridiculous that, in this day and age, Netflix cannot provide CC on all their movies and TV shows. They are providing them much more widely now because they have been sued (maybe even multiple times) by deaf organizations. My cousin, who is deaf, pointed out on the Netflix website that the show "How I met your mother" said it had CC but actually did not. The next day, the entire series was CCed. Clearly, Netflix is scared of another lawsuit regarding CC.