there are kids here right?

:wave: Im a kid! LOL, not, but I wish
I was 17 or 18 when I first joined I'm 24. T.T bleh Wish I'm still teen oh well. I'm pretty sure there are afew deaf ppl around your age so...welcome to AD. :)
<---Old timer still looking for those lost teenage years...I think I left that behind maybe 20 years ago, eh?

But then I aint so sure looking forward when my kid hits her teenager years in 2016!

Hey Jolie u think we should add a special moderated "teen section" to AD with only clean language and moderated full time? that way no teen will end up wandering lost in here? I think Alex would be receptive to that idea...
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. There are some old people that can act like a teenagers at heart like my husband who is trying to be young as possible in spite of his old age (he is only 59 years old). lol. But I am glad you are meeting some of the teenage Aders that will make you feel right at home here. :welcome: to AllDeaf. Enjoy! I hope to see you around. :wave: