The Worst Break-up Lines Ever

Yes....That's when the cold drinl get's tossed in their direction.
I have heard of.

"It is not you.. It is me"

bahahahaha. YES, it's so stupid. one of my exes broke up with me by saying that. instead of crying, i laughed. i mean seriously, how about people be TRUTHFUL when they break up with one another??

and amazing post. made me smile :)
Ouch at Lucia and Kaelei!

I had this one said to me as an excuse...

"I am not emotionally ready for you now. I need to play around first."

Orginal, heh?
One of my ex said when he dumped me, "It's not you... it's me... apparently I'm gay... I just didn't know at the time."

I remember you mentioning similar somewhere in other thread on AD some time ago.

I have had worst lines, these lines are nothing to me.

"You don't have Ph.D degree, so your not good enuf"

Eh, even worse she does not have Ph.D at all, even don't have BA/BS degree at all! WTF? Glad she is not with me anymore!

Another line.. "I am depressed and that is normal" with shurgs! Again, glad she is not even my wife!


"It's not's me."

SO bullshit! I ain't that stupid if someone ever said something like that to me when something went wrong in an relationship.

Aye, I agree!

"Bye Bye Baby Bye Bye" lipstick letter on the hotel dresser mirror. Some vacation! LOL Dudes, choose your women wisely!

Sounds like --- orginally from 'Call of Duty 4' (made me laugh indefinitely) 'Sweet dreams, bitch' or 'good night, bitch'

This is my very worst: "We never had a relationship going in the first place. It was just you trying to seduce me"
He also sent me some of my things back on st Valantines day. Only not the most valuable things. Not the brailler I leant him. He never returned that.
I really like number six lol that one is soo lame.

I haven't really been in a relationship but when I've told girls I've liked them I've gotten...

"I think you're cool too" - Okay what exactly does that mean, seriously! I didn't say that you were cool, I told you that I like you. I liked that same girl for five years. Find out that she was attracted to me at one point and time.

Later on I was telling a girl that I was attracted to her and she wanted to know why. So I told her and then she told me all these things that she liked about me and then told me that she didn't like me. Find out that she liked the other guy I knew on the down low.

Another girl, I told and her response was that she didn't want to "loose me as a friend." I was like how do you know if we don't try. She actually started to talk to me way less since I told her and she got a boyfriend.
The worst break up line ever: "I'm going to make this easy on you, and just walk away."

What a drama queen! The doofus that used that line later kept calling me to see if I'd take him back. Finally, I got married and he went away. Good riddance!
We were seeing each other at the most once a week for a few hours. She said I was too needy. It worked I went away. A few months later she was married.