The World’s First Sand Hotel


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Nov 7, 2005
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There's photos in the link that shows the Sand Hotel in Dorset, England.

I thought it was interesting and come to think of this, I would not mind sleeping there for a night for the heck of it. :)

Would you guys want to stay at the Sand Hotel?

Damn Cool Pics: The World’s First Sand Hotel
I would be afraid of a wall collapsing on me. Ditch diggers die in that manner.
looks nice!

but... no privacy for guests :lol:
That'll be so awesome but where's bathroom? And no privacy! What if someone want to make love/sex!? :lol: I don't mind but as long as weather's cooperate :)
Gee, what happens if some freak waves comes along. :dunno:
cal, yea that is what i thought too.. but what is about sex at night! yikes no priavy! people will watch us in the bed! LOL!
Wow, that is cool. I don't think I would like to spend a night there. :lol:
Sunshinelady and HorseRace that's what I mean if you are sleeping in that place in the middle of the night and it start raining you would be shit out of luck :laugh2:
might be fun, i would and take photos, and have it in the photoalbum say ' i been there and done that', i imagine it would be slightly better than sex othe beach lol
pepsi, yea yea i see that lol! if a lady is there, then i will take photo for that when it happen :D whohoo lol!
LoL It's very interesting. Not for me! But I don't mind to lay down the sun in daytime. It depend on the weather. I don't want get too wind cause sands blow away.