Matter of fact, my agent who is HOH is being bullied by the seller's agent. Yesterday, their agent yelled at my agent saying things like if all of us were hearing, we wouldnt have all these hassles. Whoa!!! Very unprofessional!
I get exactly what you are saying. When my son was in the 3rd grade, they ear before I had him transferred to the deaf school, I went to school several times about a kid that was bullying him, and had even kicked my son in the groin so hard, he dropped to the ground and puked. The idiot principal made this comment: "Well, he's just going to have to deal with stuff like this his whole life because of his deafness. It makes him stand out and attracks bullies." Can you believe it? And this man was responsible for protecting the kids in his school!
I am absolutely heartsick!! This principal needed to be reported to the superintendent AND charges of assault and sexual assault need to be filed against that student. My god, I can't believe this!
Stand out and attrack bullies? I'm speechless on this one.
when it bcame obvious that the principal was not going to fulfill his responsibility to protect my child while he was entrusted to his care at school, I did file charges against the student in the juvenile court. And I filed charges against the principal with the state board of education. He was removed from the elementary school, and returned to the high school as a classroom teacher. The child was placed on house arrest for 30 days, and a year of supervised probation. Personally, I think the parents of this child shouldhave received the punishment, because the kid was basically unsupervised and unparented. Shortly thereafter, I had my son transferred to a deaf school where I did not have to deal with educators such as this. Unfortunately, this attitude is all to prevalent in mainstream.
I'm glad you got something done about it, Jillo.
I concur! I have to admit that I kneed a girl in my neighborhood in the groin one time. She was 17 I think, but had picked on me, although there have been times she's been nice. She never did it again after that. As for your son or any boy, getting kicked in the groin, this could kill. I think the boy got off, although I would have pressed for a suspension for the remainder of the year. I was assaulted at a Bible school and had a gun aimed at me by two different guys in the dorm. The president of the school asked me what I thought and I told him I would support a permanent suspension . . . never to return. I was accused of "asking for a pound of flesh."
Keep reading my comments to kimeran.
I hated school for the same reason. It ruined my education and prospects entirely. I stopped going to school at age 12. I just realised I couldn't take any more. (This was in the early 1980s before anyone actually cared about truancy).
I have a 3rd Class degree in Sociology - not much use, but it's mine and I worked hard for it.
I'm good at some things, but there are 'holes' in my knowledge which I attribute to missing so much school.
I'm 35 now, and now have better self esteem than I have ever had. I'm hanging on to that, and I don't let anyone take it away from me. Never let anyone rob you of your sense of self-worth.
I recently received an apology letter from a girl who bullied me at school. It was the sort of letter that she only wanted to make herself feel better - to ease her guilt. I tore it up and threw it away. I know I should forgive, but I can't. At least not yet; too much was taken from me.
(sorry for off-topic)
I guess this was before zero tolerance, huh?
Thanks for your response Pek. At least bullying has a name these days, and is seen as wrong, even though it's still around.
Growing up in 1970s England, bullying was seen as something that was good for you, it would toughen you up ready to deal with the world. Does that include being kicked into nettle bushes and ending up with nettle stings all over your face and eyes?
I've met some lousy people since I grew up and made my own way through life, but none of the people have been as bad as the school bullies.
There's a certain 'sadism' about it. I hope they are all in prison.
Most of the people that try to damage you as an adult, they have something actually to gain from it, there's some monetary or social reward for them, eg stealing your purse, or stealing your promotion!
With children and adolescents, there's a pure animal sadism about it, which is very difficult to deal with.
Anyway, onwards and upwardsthank God schooldays are gone! Nobody can ever make us go back to school HURRAY!
Thanks for the moral supportI really really appreciate it.