The Wait Is Over, Our Prayers Have Been Answered.

Ohh that's so wonderful! I am glad everything go very well for you!!! Good luck for rest of it! Keep it up! :thumb:

CODAchild said:
:applause: :applause: As you may have seen in some of my postings, I would mention that I have a deaf foster son who is 8 years old.
Well, thank the Good Lord, the wait is over and our prayers have been answered.
This past Thursday, September 8th, our Social Worker from the Department of Children, Youth and Families, had a,we hoped for, a final court date for our foster son. When our Social Worker called me on Thursday afternoon, she had given us the best news possible. As of December 8th, we will be adopting our Foster Son Tiger, and he will become legally ours.
My husband and I cannot tell you how happy we are, as we have waited almost 3 years for this day to come.
I wanted to share this with all of you here on AllDeaf because you all are so wonderful, and have been like family to me.
So keep us in your prayers. We have explained this to Tiger. He was a little concerned because he has 2 biological brothers. One is deaf and one is hearing, and he is just concerned that he won't see them again, but, the Judge will set up visits through Family Services so the brothers will spend time together.
Thank you all for the support and love you have shown when I would mention my Foster Son on different postings. I am eternally grateful.
Mama2AFTIV said:
Ohh that's so wonderful! I am glad everything go very well for you!!! Good luck for rest of it! Keep it up! :thumb:
:ty: Mama2AFTIV, I appreciate you kind words of support so much. I have 2 daughters, and always wanted a boy, now my wish has come true.

Again, thank you so much for all your support!!!
:applause: wonderful thread here :hug:

I know you are wonderful mother since you register here. :hug:

I´m really happy to know that your wish come true. Tiger is very lucky to have you...
Hey CODA! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you and your husband! I bet Tiger is relieved to have someone like you and your husband to accept him into ya'll's lives! You 2 are great people! Sure do need more people like you guys! Congrats again!
Liebling:-))) said:
:applause: wonderful thread here :hug:

I know you are wonderful mother since you register here. :hug:

I´m really happy to know that your wish come true. Tiger is very lucky to have you...
:hug: :hug: Oh Leibling, what a beautiful thing to say!!!! You have made me feel so good, and so welcomed here!!!!

We have been so patient in waiting, and there were times we were so afraid that he would go back home, but, I thank God the courts could see Tiger would not be safe back at home again.

I thank you again for the beautiful words, they really filled my heart!!! :ily:
RebelGirl said:
Hey CODA! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you and your husband! I bet Tiger is relieved to have someone like you and your husband to accept him into ya'll's lives! You 2 are great people! Sure do need more people like you guys! Congrats again!
:ty: :ty: so much RebelGirl, we are very lucky to have Tiger in our lives. He is the son we never had because we have 2 daughters, and I always wanted a son, too. Now he is here with our family. My girls love him, especially my oldest daughter Jacque, she thinks he is the tops!!!!

Thank you so much for your kindness and support!!!! I truly appreciate it!!!! :ily:
Wow congrats !!! I have known both of you and your husband since high school. Tiger deserves to have a fabulous parents to adopt him !!

I am so happy for both of you. He is so adorable, I meet him at the basketball game. :) Your Dad must be so proud to have a new Deaf grandson.

Be seeing you October 8th
Congrats to Codachild,

Tiger deserve happier have you around everyday.. I'm glad you adopt your Deaf Child.. What a great blessing.... Yes, your prayer is answered by God.. Wonderful news!

Keep your son may contuine contact w/his brother every each month.. That great!!!
Reason to get know more each together and grown up will not aparts his brother.

I'm very truly happy for you... *smile*
Sabrina said:
Wow congrats !!! I have known both of you and your husband since high school. Tiger deserves to have a fabulous parents to adopt him !!

I am so happy for both of you. He is so adorable, I meet him at the basketball game. :) Your Dad must be so proud to have a new Deaf grandson.

Be seeing you October 8th
:ty: :ty: Sabrina!!!! Yes you have, especially Manny. You both have kept a close friendship all these years and I think it's so awesome. We both have something to celebrate now. Our new son, and your upcoming wedding and new husband!!!! Will see you both on the 8th. We are so excited!!!!
Bullym0m said:
Congrats to Codachild,

Tiger deserve happier have you around everyday.. I'm glad you adopt your Deaf Child.. What a great blessing.... Yes, your prayer is answered by God.. Wonderful news!

Keep your son may contuine contact w/his brother every each month.. That great!!!
Reason to get know more each together and grown up will not aparts his brother.

I'm very truly happy for you... *smile*
:hug: :hug: BullyMom, what you have said really touched my heart!!! Thank you so much for your support and encouraging words!!!! We will make sure that the brothers always keep in touch with each other, they miss each other so much!!!!

Thank you again BullyMom!!! Your words will be repeated in my heart!!! :ily:
Wonderful to hear good news.. Your son deserves wonderful parents (you) and have a better home for him to live.. I also have an adoption son who is hoh...
PurrMeow said:
Wonderful to hear good news.. Your son deserves wonderful parents (you) and have a better home for him to live.. I also have an adoption son who is hoh...
:applause: Hooray for you toooo Purrmeow, I think that is wonderful!!! He must be so happy to have such a loving home as your, and to have a family of his own. We both have something to be happy about, because our hearts are in the right places!!!! :hug:
Aw Congratulations CODAchild, I didn't even know you were a foster mother, but that's awesome news and is very happy for all of you....God is sure amazing and makes our dreams come true one day or the other, but He knows what in our heart and what we pray for...I'm very glad that Tiger has a mother like you who has a wonderful heart! You're a very good person Codachild, and I also heard a lot of good things about you by RR! ;)

Once again Congratulations :hug:
PurrMeow said:
I also have an adoption son who is hoh...

Aw that's GREAT!!...I hope to meet him someday too! same goes for yours as well Codachild ;)
CODAchild said:
:applause: :applause: As you may have seen in some of my postings, I would mention that I have a deaf foster son who is 8 years old.
Well, thank the Good Lord, the wait is over and our prayers have been answered.
This past Thursday, September 8th, our Social Worker from the Department of Children, Youth and Families, had a,we hoped for, a final court date for our foster son. When our Social Worker called me on Thursday afternoon, she had given us the best news possible. As of December 8th, we will be adopting our Foster Son Tiger, and he will become legally ours.
My husband and I cannot tell you how happy we are, as we have waited almost 3 years for this day to come.
I wanted to share this with all of you here on AllDeaf because you all are so wonderful, and have been like family to me.
So keep us in your prayers. We have explained this to Tiger. He was a little concerned because he has 2 biological brothers. One is deaf and one is hearing, and he is just concerned that he won't see them again, but, the Judge will set up visits through Family Services so the brothers will spend time together.
Thank you all for the support and love you have shown when I would mention my Foster Son on different postings. I am eternally grateful.

Congratulations CODA. I'm really glad everything went well for you. I have no doubt you're going to be an amazing parent to Tiger.
^Angel^ said:
Aw Congratulations CODAchild, I didn't even know you were a foster mother, but that's awesome news and is very happy for all of you....God is sure amazing and makes our dreams come true one day or the other, but He knows what in our heart and what we pray for...I'm very glad that Tiger has a mother like you who has a wonderful heart! You're a very good person Codachild, and I also heard a lot of good things about you by RR! ;)

Once again Congratulations :hug:
:hug: Angel, first I want to say a big welcome home to you!!! It's so wonderful to have you back on AD. I hope your trip was a good one, but, you must be so glad to be home to you dear sweetheart and boys.
Secondly, I am so very, very happy for you and Roadrunner!!! This is a dream come true for you both. I wish you both the best of luck for the future, you both are so perfect for each other.
Thirdly, thank you so much for the beautiful supportive words, they truly mean a lot to me. I have been fostering Tiger for 3 years now, we always hoped that we could adopt him someday, and now it's finally here. Thank you so much.
I feel like I have known you all my life with the beautiful expressions of love that Roadrunner has for you. You are the love of his life, the lady of his dreams, and the key to his heart. You are truly the woman that God blessed Roadrunner with, and I pray that you both have many, many wonderful days together!!!

CODAchild said:
:hug: Angel, first I want to say a big welcome home to you!!! It's so wonderful to have you back on AD. I hope your trip was a good one, but, you must be so glad to be home to you dear sweetheart and boys.
Secondly, I am so very, very happy for you and Roadrunner!!! This is a dream come true for you both. I wish you both the best of luck for the future, you both are so perfect for each other.
Thirdly, thank you so much for the beautiful supportive words, they truly mean a lot to me. I have been fostering Tiger for 3 years now, we always hoped that we could adopt him someday, and now it's finally here. Thank you so much.
I feel like I have known you all my life with the beautiful expressions of love that Roadrunner has for you. You are the love of his life, the lady of his dreams, and the key to his heart. You are truly the woman that God blessed Roadrunner with, and I pray that you both have many, many wonderful days together!!!


Oh my goodness, you're making me cry here! :tears: Thank you so much for the beautiful comments you've said above, that was soo sweet of ya....I thank God everyday for having RR in my life, he's just the one I've been searching for and hes the man of my dreams too...

You're truly an amazing woman CodaChild, and a very sweet one too...I hope to get to know you more and I do enjoy reading your posts, you seem like a really great person with a big heart for others....I'm glad Tiger has someone like you as his mother....

:hug: Once again Thanks!
^Angel^ said:
Oh my goodness, you're making me cry here! :tears: Thank you so much for the beautiful comments you've said above, that was soo sweet of ya....I thank God everyday for having RR in my life, he's just the one I've been searching for and hes the man of my dreams too...

You're truly an amazing woman CodaChild, and a very sweet one too...I hope to get to know you more and I do enjoy reading your posts, you seem like a really great person with a big heart for others....I'm glad Tiger has someone like you as his mother....

:hug: Once again Thanks!
:hug: Now look who's making who cry now! I hope to get to know you more too!!! According to a very biased man who I don't think I need to mention, says "you are a woman of great compassion, true understanding and loves people." I believed it then, and I believe it still now. You were both so lucky to have found each other, and be in each other's lives.
I have been blessed with a little boy that stole my heart the first day I met him, and he still is holding my heart in his hands today.
Please keep in touch, you are truly a beautiful friend, Angel!!!!
That's wonderful! Kids in the foster system have been through so's wonderful when they find a family to truly give them the love they deserve.

I hope things work out with his brothers. It must be so painful for him. I can't even imagine.

You are a wonderful person for caring so much, and for fighting for him.

its sure denfinately answered your prayers.. PTL!!!

pray for his brothers, too for keeping in touch and stay health years ahead of them..
