The Twisted Experiment (play)

***6th Scene***

Everyone left to their home, apt, condo, hotel, motel and trailer to change clothes and they were on the way to javapride's home to meet to find out what to do next...

javapride talk to herself: I got to revenge back to everyone for giving me a hard work today. I haven't been able to drink coffee since yesterday... hmm I've got a idea, *grab paper and pen and write down* "Gone to get java, be back less than 15 minutes. P.S. somebody's picking all of us up so be patience with me thanks!" *put the note on her front door and walk to Starbuck few blocks away from her home in nice dress with high heel*

Everybody walked to javapride's home and found the note and wait for javapride to come back...

Freaky: I don't want to ruin my dress and I need something to sit cuz my feet hurt from the high heel walking, I don't understand why javapride asked us to use nice clothes...

Oddball: Why couldn't you wear a walking shoe and as soon you arrive here, simply put your high heel shoe on! What's the word I'm thinking of for you, hmm

Javapride and LeviathanC walked back to the house...

LeviathanC: Nice try oddball, Freaky and other rather live up to "Charlie's chickies's reputation"

javapride: let's not waste time and let's get moving *clapped 3 time*

*HONNNNNKKKKKKKKK* A nice huge limo drive by front of javapride's home beside everyone and a lady in white tuxedo got out of the car...

ChelEler: I'm here for javapride and her gangsters

javapride: That's us! let's go!

Sydlie: Go where?

Kevbo: shh babe, as long the ride's free and we might as well take advantage of it...

Fly Free: Will this limo fit all of us?

ChelEler: This limo will go up to 20 people *counting everyone* it shoudl fit y'll anyway *open door for everyone to hop in then ChelEler drives off the limo few miles to the town and drive to the beach on other side of the island*

As soon everyone got out of the limo and start to *gasp*

Lasza: Nice big boat!

javapride: thanks but Alex own this AllDeaf cruise boat

pimpdaddyposse: what are we doing here staring at the boat, let's go in and find out what's in the store for us...

Everyone enter the boat and take a look around but doesn't find Alex...

javapride: Alex's out of town on business and ask me to take this surprise party for tonight

LeviathanC: Wow, it's sure is a nice surprise

javapride: thank you *soft giggle* why don't we all go inside and find out what we're going to eat...

SilenceGold: Sure, I'm glad you brought this up... I'm hungry!

Freaky: Ack ack the food is all white... what's up with that!

*everyone sat down and began to sniffing the food and Kuifje75 came out of the kitchen bring more food and put them on the table and wipe the sweaty off his forehead using a rag*

Kuifje75: Whoo, I'm pretty worned out from cooking and y'll came in the right time and dig in!

Everyone begin to eat except javapride was talking to Kuifje75 in her code trying to tell him to escape the boat as soon somebody found out what is in the food and Kuifje75 nod and sat down to watch everyone finish their few bites...

Oddball: This food taste kinda funny but taste good...

deaf258: Amen here too... btw Kuifje75, what's in this food? Care to tell us?

Kuifje75: Do you really want to know???

Everyone shouts "YES!"

javapride: why don't all of you stand up and go in the kitchen and do not turn the light on yet, I will turn on the light for y'll to see once everyone is in there...

*pimpdaddyposse think to himself as this is suspecious but go along with everyone else*

As everyone go into the kitchen one by one, javapride sent a pager message to ChelEler: "PLZ get limo ready, door open, get yourself in front seat on "D" drive ready to leave asap!"

ChelEler reply back: "Sure it's ready now waiting for you and other two"

When everyone got into the kitchen except Kuifje75 and LeviathanC standing right behind javapride, javapride turn on the kitchen light and everyone screamed!

SilenceGold: I can't believe I'm eating this kind of food! :ugh2: *tries to choke himself to throw up*

WaterRats13: OMG!!! This is too disgusting!

Sydlie: EEW! That's so gross! Men putting out their zits, pimples onto a plates for us to eat! OMG!

Fly Free: I'm going to kill javapride, kuifje75 and LeviathanC for this! Let's get them!

As everyone got of the boat and tries to chase javapride, kuifje75 and LeviathanC, but 3 of them got into the Limo and shout "Go GO GO!" ChelEler floor the gas pedal and droves off and left everyone at the AllDeaf Boat...
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Icky, bletch! Give me some clorox to rins my mouth with!

Germie, germie, germie, germie, germie
Oh my, the story is getting more twisting. I mean pretty tight!!!

Waiting for next scene. WTG, PDP!
LMFAO!!! Damn right!! This chickie is gonna always live up to the Charlie's Chickies reputation! :twisted: *flicks tongue!*
EEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk! :barf: on Javapride and Kufjie! You both are gonna get it!

***Scene 7***

Pimpdaddyposse: I can't believe Javapride and Kuifje75! *pauses* I wonder if ChelEder and LeviathanC is involve in this mess?

Freaky: *shudder* I still can taste the flavor... yuckie!

Oddball: not really, it tasted just like mine... oops did I say that out loud? :Oops:

WaterRats13: Oh my god Oddball, you're *starting to feel something then :barf: at Oddball* there... that felt better... I need a water!

*lasza, Fly Free, Freaky, Sydlie, Kevbo, Pimpdaddyposse, deaf258 and the rest went into the water to gargle their mouth to clean the disgusting pimples they ate...

In the meanwhile, while ChelEler was driving the Limo and asking Javapride...

ChelEler: Excuse me maam, where do you want to go?

Javapride: hold your horse in a sec... Kuifje75, Where do you want to go

*SUV drove by in opposite direction*

Kuifje75: Just a second, is that Alex's Range Rover driving by?

Javapride: yes I think so, Driver! Stop this damn car and turn around to catch that Range Rover before he arrive to his boat!

ChelEler turned the car around and flick the turbo switch on and floor the gas pedal as the limo increased speed quickly, flash the headlights to get Alex's attention...

Alex: Damn those cops cars *flick the invisible switch and the SUV disappear but actually is there still driving*

Javapride: ARRGGGGHHHH, Alex's gone by now! Driver keep on driving until we get back to the boat! *Kuifje point to the invisible SUV's headlight still moving* Wait a second... I see his SUV's headlight still driving on the road...Driver keep follow that headlight in a distance to make sure you don't crash the car!

The limo continue keeping on following the invisible SUV all the way back to AllDeaf Boat but in the meanwhile, everyone by the boat got out of the water to get back into the boat...

Sydlie: Y'll I don't want to think of the disgusting germie for tonight!

Fly Free found the boat key and crank it up and drive off with everyone...

Kevbo: Where are we going to?

Fly Free: Javapride and Kuifje75 did something to us, so I'm doing something for both of them...

Deaf258: I don't know how if I would ever forgive them

Lasza: I know! Let's go to the AllDeaf Bar couple miles ahead of us...

Freaky: I hate to ride the boat because... I'm getting a seasick to my stomach *run to the back of the boat and :barf:*

The boat arrived onto the beach front of AllDeaf Bar and everyone enters the bar...

WaterRats13: Hey Bartender, gimme all of us something to drink, anything *put the 50 dollar bill on the counter*

RosesNY: There's no charges for y'll since you came from the AllDeaf Boat, Alex's sure lucky to have y'll use his boat *hand back the money*

Everyone order their drinks and in the meanwhile when Alex and the limo arrives to the dock and find the boat missing...

Alex: Where is my boat!?

Javapride: I was going to page you to explain the situation but you came back earlier, the boat is stolen!

Alex: *look at his electronic pager* no it's not! The boat is at AllDeaf Bar, why is it there when it's suppose to be at its place?

ChelEler: get in the limo and I'll take you to there! *everyone hop in and drive to AllDeaf Bar*

At the AllDeaf Bar... after everyone drank their drinks...

Oddball: This drink sure is refreshing...

Freaky: :shock: ack ack Alex! Don't blame me on this... blame Fly Free on this *being buzzed and point at wrong person*

Lasza: Don't point at me *point at Fly Free*

Sydlie: Don't blame all of us, it's your fault javapride! *point at her*

Javapride: me? I wasn't even in boat *interrrupted*

Alex: It doesn't matter who blame who, javapride, you're responsible for the boat but somebody better tell me what's going on lately *sit down and touched his electronic pager to lock the AllDeaf Bar to prevent everyone from escaping* Whose gonna go first?

Everyone start to argue and blame on each other...

Alex: Oh brother, it definately will take all night! *walk around the counter to grab huge alcohol for himself and sat down again and begin to drink little*
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Oh boy....thanks PDP for making me out as the nice person to buy the drinks for everyone! ;) Hope everyone enjoyed and felt better after having their drinks! :beer: :cheers:
Originally posted by ChelEler
:rofl: Me a DRIVER?! :thumb: Nice thinking! But, who's "ChelEder?" :laugh2:
sorry about that... it's done edited...

(BTW, if any of you wished to write the scene or anything, just go right ahead and do it because I will be leaving to Washington DC on August 7, anyone are welcome to contine write large or small scene for me soon)
Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
sorry about that... it's done edited...

(BTW, if any of you wished to write the scene or anything, just go right ahead and do it because I will be leaving to Washington DC on August 7, anyone are welcome to contine write large or small scene for me soon)

No problem. :thumb: Keep them coming whenever you have the time. :mrgreen:
:laugh2: Funny!!! I don't even get seasick in real life... in creative writing I do!! LMFAO! ooOOoo gimme the drink! :beer: Yummy!! *chink chink!* Heh!
HEY ALL :) im back and i was gonna TYPE in my comment but got sidetracked due to plms going on damn

But PDP U REALLY know ur way around writing! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep writing as much cuz we know ur leaving on the 7th we love u and ofc we will miss u so u better post as much as u can in here :)

Congrats on the wonderful writing u ever done!

:thumb: @ PDP -- mate! You certainly are getting it well underway! ;) I'm well aware that you'll be going off to Gally soon and be immersed in the new routine around Gally and in classes, etc. I just hope that you'll pop in here every so often and say hi and probably add a new scene in this thread, in order to sate our curiousity on what'll be happening next! :thumb:
:laugh2: :laugh2:

:thumb: PDP -- but DONT leave us hanging!!!!!! hahaha so DISGUSTING but id like to hear what Alex might do with Javapride once he gets the full story on what happened hahahaha
***Scene 8 ***

While everyone continue blame on each other and Alex was buzzed...

Knightwolf68: I don't give a shit about the problems, all I want, all I need is a cigarette and more drinks!

Freaky: You don't need those stuff, you have us! Don't ya remmy the "Charlie's chickies"???

Knightwolf68: Yeah, I know about that, shh, it was suppose to be a secret for me being *interrupted*

Somebody outside of AllDeaf Bar banged on the door causing everyone to stop arguing...

Deaf258: What did I feel, somebody doing the bonka bonka thing up in the attic?

Kuifje75 raised his eyebrow: nooooooooo... it's somebody knockin' on the door...

Javapride: Ooh goodness, Alex can't think straight...*walk over to Alex and press a button on his electronic pager to unlock the AllDeaf Bar*

WonderBum open the door: Excuse me y'll, is this the AllDeaf Bar as a place for deafies to hang out?

RosesNY: Yes, this is the place... I hear there is several more people outside... invite them in for a free drink and hang out!

WonderBum appreciate RosesNY and walk out of AD Bar and tell the rest of ADers to come in...

with a :shock: from RosesNY: not the all of 650+ Aders!!!!

Kevbo: DWAI RosesNY, just use all shots then the rest of glasses to fill equality of a shot each glasses and pass it around

Fly Free: Sound great, I'll be the "Charlie's chickies waitress"

Freaky: Count me in and it'll be much faster if the rest of chickies join in and pass it all around much faster so we can chit chat...

*The rest of chickies went ahead and help RosesNY pass around various kinds of alcohol drink shots arounds*

Oddball was the first person to drink the shot: yummy, I want more, btw it still taste little bits like *interrupted*

SilenceGold: don't say the (bleep) word! You are so odd that why it match your personality!

Sydlie: Amen, SilenceGold, you ought to remember that silence is never golden!

Lasza: omg this AD bar is getting tight, I don't care about it as long nobody is out of short breath in here...

Everyone begin to enjoy themselves as all of them chat with each other all night long and as the morning sunrises came and the sun begins to shine in the AD bar and Alex woke up...

Alex: What's this? too many people in here! What's going on now and why in the world am I here? I'm suppose to be at home in my bed!

LeviathanC asked ChelEler which nobody could catch what she said: hey ChelEler, u think Alex wouldn't remember what happened last night?

ChelEler: I think he forgot...

Oddball: Oh you arrived here last night talking to us about cops chasing ya and you disappear and arrived here and told us to hid you from the cops...

Alex: did I?

Javapride: Alex, last night we were arguing so you drank alcohol and somehow you felt asleep so we wouldn't want to wake u up...

Alex: Why I have a feeling I shouldn't believe you Javapride? *touched his electronic pager to lock the AllDeaf Bar to prevent everyone from escaping* Y'll don't even think about trying to escaping and I'll be right back! *walk to small room and closed the door and checks the security videos from last night*

To be continued..........
I have give myself alot of thoughts on this scenes stories... I'm not sure if I will have more time to continue this scenes... so I decide to announce to let y'll know that I would like to continuing the scene stories for your challenging.

How this works is that I already started the story so far to Scene 8... so from now on I'd recommend the next person adds what happens next and so forth. Try to use many AD characters much as possible or use different ones to match their personality or their screen names... So write on as long or small scenes as much you want...I'll try to write when I have a time, otherwise I'll keep check onto BBNT and my... oops... our scenes as much as I can... ttyl all!

Again, please write and enjoy the stories!
The Charlie's Chickies will always rule!! :bowdown: LMFAO!!


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Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
I have give myself alot of thoughts on this scenes stories... I'm not sure if I will have more time to continue this scenes... so I decide to announce to let y'll know that I would like to continuing the scene stories for your challenging.

How this works is that I already started the story so far to Scene 8... so from now on I'd recommend the next person adds what happens next and so forth. Try to use many AD characters much as possible or use different ones to match their personality or their screen names... So write on as long or small scenes as much you want...I'll try to write when I have a time, otherwise I'll keep check onto BBNT and my... oops... our scenes as much as I can... ttyl all!

Again, please write and enjoy the stories!

;) I'm sure everyone'll be racking their brains to try creating a scene to match up with what you've written up so far...! :P I don't know about myself, but I'll give this a few days and see if I can pick out something to start with...heheh...