Beadle et al. (5) studied 30 children at 5 and 10 years after implantation. They used the CAP index (Category of Auditory Performance) with a scale of 0 to 7. The score -0 implies no awareness of environmental sounds, and 7, the ability to talk on the telephone with a familiar speaker. Scores improved from 0 at pre-implantation to a mean category of 6 at 5 years, and 7 at 10 years. The study also examined SIR (Speech Intelligibility Rating), with 1 implying unintelligible speech, usually using manual communication, up to a score of 5 = intelligible speech. Close to half the patients scored 4 and 5 (intelligible speech for an average listener). Median speech intelligibility rating was 3 at 5 years, and 4 at 10 years, also demonstrating that patients' speech continues to improve between 5 and 10 years. Uziel et al.(6) thoroughly studied the 10 year outcome of 82 children. Seventynine percent reported that they could use the phone.