The remaking of our dollar bill...and put obama on the one dollar bill

Off the point by a bit, I was shopping in a hat store in NYC and I gave the salesperson cash and a couple of $1 dollar coins for my purchase. She didn't recognise the $1 coin and looked closely to see if it's legitimate.

I like that design very much.
I didn't much care for the design of the one, five dollar and twenty dollars denominations. I remember my teacher showed the dollars as an example of how not do to designs. That was in the mid 90s, I think.

I like that because it emphasizes the first two Amendments in words. People constantly ignore them.

And "In God We Trust" is not present which it shouldn't be, which abides with the First Amendment, "The Congress shall not make a law respecting an establishment of religion..."
I like that because it emphasizes the first two Amendments in words. People constantly ignore them.

And "In God We Trust" is not present which it shouldn't be, which abides with the First Amendment, "The Congress shall not make a law respecting an establishment of religion..."
Writing "In God We Trust" on dollar bills is not setting up a state religion.
I agree that right now is not the time to be spending millions/billions of dollars to replace our currency, and I especially don't like the idea of having Obama on the 1$ bill.

Having said that, I really like these designs and I do think the current designs of American paper currency are just laughable, practically Monopoly money.

I Also think we should adopt a policy of putting more artistic and culturally-important figures on our currency. Imagine a dollar bill with Babe Ruth or Ray Charles on it. Awesome!
I agree that right now is not the time to be spending millions/billions of dollars to replace our currency, and I especially don't like the idea of having Obama on the 1$ bill.

Having said that, I really like these designs and I do think the current designs of American paper currency are just laughable, practically Monopoly money.

I Also think we should adopt a policy of putting more artistic and culturally-important figures on our currency. Imagine a dollar bill with Babe Ruth or Ray Charles on it. Awesome!

What did they do for America? I have no beef with medallions for Babe Ruth but since he was a baseball player, I don't think he should be on the USA currency.

I think only those who were important to the USA government and US history should be on the coins and the paper currency of the USA since the US Mint is government run.

I do agree that the currency should be more artistic though.
Writing "In God We Trust" on dollar bills is not setting up a state religion.

Yes it is. It enforces the religion of God. In Buddha We Trust and In Allah We Trust would clearly enforces respective religions.

And you know it.

The Constitution itself is godless. It's no mention of God.
Yes it is. It enforces the religion of God. In Buddha We Trust and In Allah We Trust would clearly enforces respective religions.

And you know it.

The Constitution itself is godless. It's no mention of God.
I don't know it because it's wrong. Nobody at the time the Bill of Rights was ratified understood it to mean mentions of God or the Bible or Allah or whatever were forbidden in government or public functions. They understood it to mean Congress could not pass a bill saying the Presbyterian Church, or Catholic Church, or whatever church is now the official church of the United States. That's all. It has been twisted way beyond its original meaning.

The Constitution itself is godless. It's no mention of God.
How is that relevant? A lot of things go unmentioned in the Constitution.
I see they're bringing back the words "Federal Reserve Note." Get rid of those words! In the Constitution Article 1 Section 8 authorizes CONGRESS to print money, not a private agency, i.e., the illegal and crooked Federal Reserve. Gimme a break.
By the way, here's a site that gives a brief history of our paper currency...
A History of Paper Money - Using US Money From 1913 To Date
The Republicans have been trying to put Reagan on a dollar bill long before he died.
Yes it is. It enforces the religion of God. In Buddha We Trust and In Allah We Trust would clearly enforces respective religions.

And you know it.

The Constitution itself is godless. It's no mention of God.

Wirelessly posted

Isn't "In God We Trust" a byproduct of psychological warfare against the Soviet atheist-state?
For questions of constitutionality, does it matter?

Yes, and the courts are wrong.

We should replace it with "E Pluribus Unum" meaning, From Many, One which was the original motto.

The intent is very clear - "In God We Trust" was a religious motive, and nothing else.