No Flip I am not projecting my Cochlea experience to anyone else are you? It clearly seems to me a substantial portion of humanity does USE the cochlea's function as "hearing".Why not?
As for your bald assertion that nature uses "hearing persons" to make war to keep the
"hearing" population down?-doesn't make sense.A philosophical question: how is "nature" an entity to effect such a proposition? Are you in fact making "nature"- God? As for your further assertion re deaf persons being peace loving etc- is completely unsupported! A person signing in ASL can easily "understand" a person signing in SSL (Spanish)?-again unsupported.
As for the "crusade" against SPOKEN language this is wholly only in your imagination only. Why do humans have vocal chords-if not to speak?
As for "body reading" do deaf person have some special ability to ACCURATELY "READ ANOTHER PERSON"? Like you being deaf I guess I should have this "special ability" from the last 4 years.
My Hearing loss problem was sensor- neural/genetic. Having this "type" was why the Cochlear Implant was possible. I knew from 1992 I would become deaf when I lost all hearing in Right ear. The ENT clinic eliminated tumours/cancer etc. Yeah it happened on December 20, 2006. Thus my ongoing study of deafness/ASL. and Cochlear Implants. As for your further claim that the increasing deafness is the way of the future seems to be negated by the very fact of the success of Cochlear Implants-- "creation of science". Plus the vast decrease of previous deafness problem- eg meningitis etc. Decrease in "deaf" people? Enough for now-off to real work: Deaf swimming!
Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07