The person below me game....

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No, I have not cuz I have to work.

This person below like to drink Chai Latte?
FeistyChick said:
i LOVE IT!!! :D

anyone below me going to the TASTE OF CHICAGO??? :D

False. The person below me wish to be hearing instead of deaf?

The person below me knows how to make a paper swan (origami)?
true i will have to get up early no matter what

does this person below me ever had to performed on stage and whats the story?
Yep...used to be in plays...esp where I played a nosy maid sticking her nose into everyone's business...heh heh.

The person below me ever been in parades?
Umm.. I don't think so! I'm engaged to be married to someone else! sorry !!!

Does this person below me like to fart?
Heck NO!

The person below me knows what RavenSteven looks like?
Wow. That was a typo, just so y'all no. Either that or part of my Freudian subconcious coming out, hinting my sexual frustration and openness.

No I don't know what Ravensteven looks like, but I can guess that he might have a silver spoon in his mouth.

The person below me loves McCalliser's Deli.
Cant say either way, since Ive never been there...*sob*

The person below me likes freakiness?
Yes and no. I do believe there is a hell, but I do not believe it is the lake of fire and brimstone that people think of it as.

The person below me has no idea who Michael Madsen is.
cental34 said:
Yes and no. I do believe there is a hell, but I do not believe it is the lake of fire and brimstone that people think of it as.

The person below me has no idea who Michael Madsen is.

The Kill Bill actor? Maybe.

The person below me loves amusement parks.
Half true/false. I vaguely remember him as a cutie.

Does this person below me ever camped out in a teepee on an Indian reservation?

Oops Liza beat me to it!!!!! :smash:

yes i adore amusement parks!

see the question above!
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