The Person Above Me Is...

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The person above me is confused on how to play this game....
^ The person above me is correct! :thumb:
^ The person above me is hoping that Santa will give her a new brand car on Christmas Day. :whistle:
The person above me better keep her hands off the Christmas presents under the Christmas tree... don't make a small tear to peek inside... :) ( just kidding of course !!! )
the person above me.....*sighs*

the person above me is confident in himself.
^ is the coolest dude and he is not afraid of deaf people!
^ The person above me was naked on VP and Crazymomma and her family saw her piece of ass. :giggle:
The person above me doesn't force her children to ride the school bus :P
^ The person above me is so correct! ;)
The person above me has a name that looks CCCP Russian : Apathrev
^ The person above me is not following the game correctly. :doh:
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